
University-Industry Cooperation Protocols Signed

Last Update : 06.01.2022 00:00
A cooperation protocol was signed between our university and 5 big companies operating in Muğla.

The signing ceremony held at our university was attended by the Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek and the officials ofADM Electricity Distribution Inc., Ermas Marmor Industry Corp., Mava - Marmaris Software, Trade Imp. Exp. and Industry. Ltd. Comp., Mega Kalsit Ltd. Sti. and Polgun Water Slides Playgrounds,  Trade Imp. Exp. Industrstry. Ltd.Comp.
The University’s  Rector Prof. Dr.  Hüseyin Çiçek Emphasized the importance of the cooperation protocols signed and added that, "The goal of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University is to be an R&D University. In a country with more than 100 universities, there are currently 11 R&D universities. It is a big claim to be among them. However, we  believe that this can happen. Although our priority is our students, we carry out important studies for R&D. At the same time, universities are expected to be guiding and productive in social, cultural, health, sports, etc. We also carry out big projects in this field. As a result of all these studies, "We are creating a power that will shape the future of our country by producing projects that will benefit our province and region together with our Technology Transfer Office, Technopark, academics and students. We are quite successful in these matters and we will be much more successful," he said.
After the speeches, the signing ceremony was held for the protocols, which aim to determine the general framework of the cooperation that can be made on the subjects within the scope of R&D, to strengthen the cooperation between the companies and our University and to ensure the transfer of applicable results to the industry.

Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 06.01.2022 00:00
Number of Views : 1457