Studying at MSKU

Examinations and Assestment

Apart from work conducted throughout the semester (seminar, practical/laboratory work, fieldwork, project work etc.), for each course students must take at least one midterm examination and a final examination at the end of each semester.

Midterm examinations are held at the place and hour announced at least one week in advance by the departments, in accordance with the proposals of the course instructors.  Final examinations are held at the place and hour as decided and announced at least two weeks in advance by the faculty/school administrative committees.

The student is given a final grade by taking into account the midterm examinations, final examination, the semester work and attendance. Semester grades for practical studies and other non-lecture courses are determined by an evaluation of the student's overall work and performance throughout the semester. Examination and course grades are announced  web site for students to log on and learn the results.

For associate and bachelor’s degrees, students must obtain a CGPA of at least 2.00/4.00 to graduate. Students whose CGPA is between 3.00 and 3.49 are listed as Honour Student and students whose CGPA is between 3.50 and 4.00 are listed as High Honour Student. For graduate degrees; students obtain a CGPA of not less than 2.50/4.00 for master’s degrees, and must obtain a CGPA of not less than 3.00/4.00 for doctorate degrees. 

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