General Administration

Rector, Vice Rectors, Deans, Directors, Heads, and Staff

The rector, the head of the university, is appointed for a period of four years by the President of the Republic. Rectors are chosen from candidates elected by the university academic staff and proposed by the Higher Education Council. He/she is the Chief Executive Officer of the university and presidents over the University Senate and the University Administrative Committee.


The vice-rectors are designated and appointed by the Rector. They are responsible for leading and coordinating the different areas and activities in the university that the Rector has designated to them, as well as taking charge of the responsibilities assigned to them by the Rector. Vice-rectors may call upon the support of deputies and other representatives when the volume or nature of their work justifies this. 


The deans of the faculties are appointed for a period of three years by the Higher Education Council. They are chosen from a group of three full time professors nominated by the University Rector.


Directors of schools are appointed for a period of three years by the University Rector. Department heads are appointed for a period of three years by the dean of the associated faculty.


Members of the academic staff are appointed according to the relevant regulations set by the University Senate. The staff consists of professors, associate professors, assistant professors, teaching assistants, instructors, and research assistants.

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