
MSKU is Among the Universities with the Most Satisfied Students “Again”

Last Update : 27.07.2022 00:00
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University (MSKU) was once again in the top 10 in the "general satisfaction" ranking among the state universities in Turkey.

The data of the 2022 University Satisfaction Survey of Turkey (TÜMA 2022) conducted by University Assessments & Research Laboratory [ÜniAr] were shared with the public.

The results of the research, which are published regularly every year in order to understand the experiences and satisfaction of university students, to enrich the student experience and to be a guide for universities to become more student-centered, were prepared this year by collecting data from approximately 48 thousand students studying in 199 universities, including 126 state and 73 foundations.

According to the TÜMA 2022 results, which include General Satisfaction with Universities, Satisfaction with Students' Learning Experience, Satisfying of Campus and Life, Satisfaction with the Management and Functioning of the Institution, Richness of Learning Opportunities and Resources, Personal Development and Career Support, MSKU ranked 20th among 199 universities in the category of "Overall Satisfaction Ranking of Universities". MSKU managed to rank 8th among state universities.

According to the results of the TÜMA data shared every year, MSKU, which has been at the top of the ranks, has consolidated its success by taking its place at the "A" level universities again in 2022.

According to the research, MSKU was among the "A" level universities representing the most successful universities in the "Satisfactory and Life of the Campus" ranking, which measured the attractiveness of the campus environment, social facilities, dormitory facilities and quality, transportation comfort, security, aesthetics and usefulness of physical spaces, and the environment in which the campus is located.

MSKU, which also played at the top of the "Satisfaction with the Management and Functioning of the Institution" ranking, proved to be an "A+" level university by ranking 12th this year.
Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 27.07.2022 00:00
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