
Three-Dimensional Anatomical Modelling: Important Source for Veterinary Candidates in Our Country

Last Update : 27.01.2021 00:00

Our university Milas Faculty of Veterinary offers an essential source to veterinary faculty students in our country with the three-dimensional veterinary anatomical models it has created.

The educational processes, which were transferred to digital platforms due to the global epidemic, brought along new educational materials with their methods and techniques.

In the distance education period, our university Milas Faculty of Veterinary has also developed three-dimensional veterinary anatomical models to increase the lessons' efficiency.

40 videos with three-dimensional lectures created for the Veterinary Anatomy course were presented to the students on the Faculty's YouTube account as of the 2020-2021 Academic Year.

These videos, which were prepared within the Scientific Research Project (BAP) scope, reached a high number of views, likes, and comments from all over the country and abroad.

When the audience numbers of the contents, which are designed by Dr Şamil Sefergil and Res. Assist. Bahri Evcim who are academic staff members of Milas Veterinary Faculty Anatomy Department are analysed, it is understood that it constitutes an abundant source for the vast majority of veterinary faculty students in our country.

You can access three-dimensional veterinary anatomical models by clicking the following link

Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 27.01.2021 00:00
Number of Views : 1869