
They Work for a Accessible University

Last Update : 19.12.2019 00:00
The Accessible Campus Unit at our university established in order to enable students with special needs to continue their education life with their peers in the most effective way. The problems related to the accessibility of the students with special needs and the obstacles they face during the education process cause them to break off from their academic life. 
Although various legal grounds have been established in our country in order to enable students with disabilities to socially interact with their peers and improve their daily life skills, especially during their secondary education, these studies remain inadequate during university years. 
For this reason, the academic, administrative, physical, psychological, housing and social needs of students with disabilities are identified in order to meet their needs in our university’s  Accessible Campus Unit under the coordination of Dr. Deniz Tekin Ersan. 
Supports both students and faculty
Deniz Tekin Ersan states the unit provides academic and social support to students with disabilities in our university. She also advises academic staff to work with students with disabilities. Deniz Tekin Ersan emphasizes that the Accessible Campus Unit provides the student with easy access to academic programs, priority in meeting housing needs and equality in being involved in campus life. Dr. Lecturer  Ersan says  the unit has note-holder support for students with disabilities, a Accessible Study Program that helps students to study and provides one-to-one lessons. At the same time, thanks to the Disabled Student Counselors in every academic unit, it enables the adaptation of the teaching needs of the students, she adds.
The Accessible Volunteer  Program is open to voluntary applications  
In addition, the Accessible Volunteer Program was launched in the  Accessible Campus Unit, where volunteer students can improve themselves in working with individuals with disabilities.
Dr. Lecturer Deniz Tekin Ersan calls for students to participate in these programs.
Students with a disability  Report at the rate of 20 percent can register to the Accessible Campus Unit.
For students wishing to apply to the unit, the Office of the Accessible Campus Unit, located on the ground floor of the Faculty of Architecture, is open daily between 08.30 and 17.30 during the academic year.
Accessible Campus Unit Contact Information:
Telephone: 0 252 211 5501
Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 19.12.2019 00:00
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