
"The Maids" Performed in English

Last Update : 19.04.2022 00:00
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Theatre Company performed the play "The Maids", which is all in English.
The play written by Jean Genet and staged in Turkish with the name "Hizmetçiler" in our country, and for the first time in our university, was played in English with the management of Mehmet Karaman, a lecturer from the Department of Fine Arts.
The show, which was exhibited at Atatürk Cultural Center's July 15 Democracy Martyrs Hall, attracted a lot of interest from theater lovers.
The game tells the thrilling and tense story of two maid sisters who play at home disguised as ladies in the absence of their lady and try to kill the lady in every game they play.
Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 19.04.2022 00:00
Number of Views : 1519