
"Summer Science Camp" for Children from MSKU

Last Update : 17.06.2022 00:00
In cooperation with Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Science Education Application and Research Center (MUBEM) and Knidos Excavation Presidency, the "MUBEM Nature School: Knidos Summer Science Camp" project for 7th grade students of TED Bodrum College was held in Knidos Ancient City of Datça district of Muğla Province between 8-10 June 2022
The camp was organized within the framework of the objectives of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, to transfer our cultural richness and diversity to future generations in a way that will contribute to universal culture and to support the transformation into an information society.

The main objective of the project, which was conducted by MUBEM Director Prof. Dr. Ayşe Oğuz Ünver and Knidos Excavations and Research Head Prof. Dr. M. Ertekin Doksanaltı; Dr. Hasan Zühtü Okulu, and Lecturer İbrahim Karaoğlan in which takes part as experts, is for young individuals to discover the development processes of scientific and technical knowledge from the First Age to the present day and to experience scientific research processes first-hand with scientists from different disciplines and to gain a holistic perspective on science.
Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 17.06.2022 00:00
Number of Views : 2325