
Student Rights Unit was Launched at Our University

Last Update : 19.12.2019 00:00

The Student Rights Unit was established to provide guidance and support in the process of solving potential problems so that Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University students will have a problem-free learning experience.

As the Press, Public Relations and Protocol Directorate of our University, we had an interview with the “Student Rights Unit” Coordinator Dr Ayşen Maraş to explore this particular development in depth and to inform our students in detail.

 Dr. Lecturer, Ayşen Maraş, one of the members of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Literature, who completed his undergraduate, graduate and doctorate degrees in the field of Psychology at METU, has academic studies on clinical psychology and dating severity. We visited her in her office and asked some questions about the Student Rights Unit. Dr. Maraş enlightened us about the importance of the unit for our students.

Could you please briefly mention the basic duty and purpose of the “Student Rights Unit’’?

In fact, the student rights office is based on two pillars, one of the most fundamental principles of our university's management approach. The first of these is “Student Centeredness” and the other is “Pro-Active Approach”. With student-centeredness, we carry a university understanding that always prioritizes the demands, complaints and needs of our students. This unit has been established to contribute to meeting the expectations and needs of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University students throughout their education and to provide guidance and support in the process of solving their problems. Thus, we see that student-centeredness is once again embodied. We also aim to solve the problems of our students before they are begin or grow, in relation to the pro-active management approach, which means solving problems before they begin. Within this framework, we have the responsibility of directing the students to the related units for the solution of their problems, providing or facilitating communication, and making the solution processes more effective and efficient in order to increase their satisfaction.

What are the services offered to students in the unit?

Our students can complain about a problem they have experienced in the University and they can apply to our unit when they cannot find any response to the attempts to claim rights within the official deadlines. If the solution provided to their problems is not sufficient, they can also receive support from our department in the same way.

How are the services provided in the unit utilized?

Our students can set up an interview by sending an e-mail to, by phone or by coming to the unit on the days and hours to be announced on the internet address at the beginning of each semester. They can obtain information about the unit and application procedures from address.

What are the operating principles of the unit?

The Student Rights Unit is affiliated to the Rectorate and ensures communication between the student and the relevant units. The contact person or related units give feedback to the Unit about the solution process. The unit forwards this notification to the applicant as soon as possible. Finally, our students give feedback on whether the issue has been resolved.

How will the unit's annual / weekly schedule work?

The Student Rights Unit will serve on the days and hours announced at the beginning of each academic term. Outside this period, the relevant administrative staff is in the office to receive application requests and forward them to the unit managers.

Where is the unit on campus? Which building, on what floor?

Our unit is actually in an area that we can call ”student triangle’’. It is located on the ground floor of the Faculty of Architecture, directly opposite the Mavi Çatı Community Building. Next to it is the Youth Office building. I think this area will be considered as a student living space in the coming days.

What is the contact person and contact details of the unit?

Unit Coordinator:  Dr. Lecturer Ayşen Maraş

Contact Tel: 0 252 211 55 00



Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 19.12.2019 00:00
Number of Views : 3985