
Our University is Among the “Best in the World” in the UI Green Metric Ranking

Last Update : 15.02.2022 00:00
The UI GreenMetric World Universities Ranking System 2021 results, which evaluates world universities in the fields of environmental awareness, energy, waste, transportation management and sustainability, have been announced.

Our university ranks 360th among world universities in the evaluation of 956 universities; It ranked 23rd among 71 universities in Turkey.

Our University has increased its ranking from 408 to 360 since last year in the UI Green Metric ranking, which aims to draw attention to sustainability-related issues and to create global awareness on environmental awareness.

Our University, which had a total score of 5,550 last year, reached 6,300 points in 2021. In addition, it increased its score from 700 to 1025 in the Building and Infrastructure category, from 825 to 1125 in the Waste category, from 250 to 450 in the Water category, from 1125 to 1175 in the Transportation category.

Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 15.02.2022 00:00
Number of Views : 2081