
MSKU Ranked in Top 20 with 7 Faculties

Last Update : 25.03.2021 00:00

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University ranked in top 20 with many faculties in UniAr 2020 State Universities and Faculties Ranking.

University Research Laboratory (UniAr) announced the 2020 State Universities and Faculties Ranking.

Our university, which carries out its studies in line with new vision of YÖK, was in top 20 most successful universities with 7 faculties among 116 state universities.

As a result of the research that ranks state universities and faculties on the basis of academic incentive scores, our Faculty of Fisheries 2nd, Faculty of Tourism 7th, Faculty of Technology, Faculty of Education and Faculty of Fine Arts 11th, Our Faculty of Science 13th, Our Faculty of Medicine ranked 20th.

The ranking was done by calculating the academic incentive points of the academic staff in project, research, publication, design, exhibition, patent, citation, notification and award.

Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 25.03.2021 00:00
Number of Views : 2818