
MSKU National Interdisciplinary Student Congress Has Started

Last Update : 23.05.2022 00:00
MSKU National Interdisciplinary Student Congress organized by Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University (MSKU) started at Atatürk Cultural Center.
In the congress, which is a scientific platform where all associate, undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students studying in the fields of Social, Science, Health, and Educational Sciences will introduce, share, discuss and obtain new perspectives on their interdisciplinary studies, students will present their interdisciplinary studies to researchers with oral and poster presentations.
The opening of this organization, which is the first in terms of being an interdisciplinary student congress in our country, was attended by Muğla Governor Orhan Tavlı, TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal and many researchers and students in an online environment.
MSKU Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek, who took the floor behind the speeches of Prof. Dr. Soner Taslak, Chairman of the Congress Executive Board, said that he sincerely believes that with this Congress, students will join forces and open new horizons to a more prosperous and more self-resourced Turkey.
The congress, where interdisciplinary studies will be presented in a total of 43 sessions hosted by Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, will continue between 12-14 May 2022.
Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 23.05.2022 00:00
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