
MSKÜ Is Amongst The Greenest Universities of The World

Last Update : 21.12.2020 00:00

MSKU is ranked 408th in the world and 22nd in Turkey in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings which evaluates universities worldwide in terms of environmental awareness, energy, waste and transportation management.

The 2020 UI GreenMetric World University Rankings, a platform that aims to raise global awareness on environmental awareness by drawing attention to sustainability issues and evaluating the campuses of reputable universities from around the world, has been published.

MSKU is ranked 408th worldwide and 22nd in Turkey.

MSKU scored 700 points in structure and infrastructure, 1400 points in energy and climate change, 825 points in waste, 250 points in water, 1125 points in transportation, 1250 points in education and research, reached a total of 5 550 points in the ranking consisting of 6 main categories.

The greatest success of MSKU is in “energy and climate change" category, as ranking 158th worldwide and 3rd in Turkey.

Stating that this success is not a coincidence with the "Green Campus Initiative" initiated by our university in 2019, Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek said: “Creating a Zero Waste Management Plan in our university, activating the Hazardous Waste Storage within the framework of this plan, publishing Sustainable Campus Policies to reduce ecological and carbon footprint,, organizing educational activities and activities supporting these policies We worked on increasing the use of energy efficient devices. All our efforts to develop environmentally friendly campuses with high quality of life made our university one of the most environmentally friendly universities in the world. I believe that with our slogan "Sustainable University for a Sustainable Future", we will carry this ranking further in the coming years. "

The "Sustainable Green Campus Office", which has enabled our university to achieve great success in the GreenMetric World University Rankings, under the leadership of Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek, with the coordination board consisting of academic and administrative staff, engages student communities in the process and conducts studies on sustainability and environmentally friendly products, buildings and campuses.

These studies are coordinated by Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Bayrakdaroğlu and Res. Ass. Dr. Vesile Hatun Akansel. Rector's Advisors Assoc. Dr. Feray Koca and Asst. Prof. Rifat Kahyaoğlu also made an important contribution.

In addition, our Secretary General Nagehan Şahin, Att. Sevtap Çelikcan, Att. Ümit Metin, Prof. Dr. Bayram Coşkun, Prof. Dr. Bekir Tanay, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Güneş, Prof. Dr. Cafer Topaloğlu, Prof. Dr. Feral Öztürk, Prof. Dr. Hasan Koç, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kır, Assoc. Dr. Ahmet Demirak, Prof. Dr. Ömer Gider and Prof. Dr. Özcan Saygın supports these efforts with their work.

Also contributing with their efforts are:

The members of the Energy and Climate Change Subcommittee; Asst. Prof. Volkan Ramazan Akkaya, Asst. Prof. Utkucan Şahin, Asst. Prof. Durmuş Karabacak, Assoc. Dr. Rüştü Eke;

Member of Water Sub-Commission and Settlement and Infrastructure Sub-Commission; Asst. Prof. Ayla Çetinkaya;

Waste Sub-Commission Members; Eng. Salih Cebe, Cemal Pamuk, Uygar Göçmen;

Transportation Sub-Commission Member; Asst. Prof. Ömür Kaygısız;

Education Sub-Committee Members; Assoc. Dr. Nursen Vatansever Deviren, Assoc. Dr. Mehmet Avcı, Inst. Sinem Acar;

Other commission members; Prof. Dr. Ali Keçebaş, Prof. Dr. Faruk Şen, Prof. Dr. Burcu Karabey, Assoc. Dr. Koray Kaçan, Assoc. Dr. Ceyhun Özçelik, Asst. Prof. Akın Taşçıkaraoğlu, Asst. Prof. Serra Altınoluk, Assoc. Dr. Eyüp Akçetin, Assoc. Dr. Gülhan Çakmak, Asst. Prof. Fatih Pişkin, Asst. Prof. Berke Pişkin, Asst. Prof. Nureddin Öner, Inst. Feridun Ekmekçi, Inst. Adnan Cangır, Res. Asst. Dr. Aslı Kaya, Inst. Dr. Sinem Kaya, Erdinç Haskaya, Cenk Ertop, Ebru Türkler, Levent Kutlu, Sadi Aksa, Aytaç Özarslan, Gülnur Yılmaz Ceviz, Nuray Çiftçi, Hasan Kocabıyık, Ferah Yılmaz;

Head of Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Aytekin Buşuk, Head of Construction and Technical Department Bayram Bozyiğit, Strategic Planning Branch Manager Inst. Kemal Yüce Kutucuoğlu are working hard for an "environmentally friendly and sustainable campus" with and our administrative and technical staff responsible for correspondence and technical issues.

We aim to increase this success, which is achieved as a result of the devoted work of a large team.

Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 21.12.2020 00:00
Number of Views : 1897