
Hope for Alzheimer's with HADO

Last Update : 13.12.2021 08:30
Applications have started for Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Sports Sciences students for the "Alternative Method Project for Increasing Physical Activity in the Elderly and Preventing the Risk of Alzheimer's with HADO, the Sport of the Future" supported within the scope of TÜBİTAK 2209-A program.
Supported by TÜBİTAK 2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Programme, it is aimed to prevent Alzheimer's disease risk with the virtual game HADO, with the "Alternative Method Project for Increasing Physical Activity in the Elderly and Preventing the Risk of Alzheimer's with HADO, the Sport of the Future".
Our University Faculty of Sports Sciences Faculty Member Assoc. Dr. Raşit Yandım, Doğa Ece Engin and Hasan Burak Işıloğlu take part as researchers in the project, which is supervised by Gönül Babayiğit İrez and Zeynep Kütük, a student of the Faculty of Sports Sciences Coaching Education. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Sports Sciences Lecturer Assoc. Dr. Gönül Babayiğit İrez said that HADO, the sport of the future, offers an alternative method to increase physical activity in the elderly and especially to prevent Alzheimer's risk.
Underlining that before the application, various physical and mental tests were administered especially to the participants over the age of 65, Assoc. Dr. Gönül Babayiğit İrez said, “After these tests, they practiced exercises for a while with the augmented reality sport HADO. The extent to which both mental activities and physical performances change before and after exercise is re-measured. Since activities that increase the number of steps are intense in HADO, we expect physical activity to increase as well. We foresee that these applications will increase some features such as focus or agility later on," she said.
Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 13.12.2021 08:30
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