
Accreditation Certificates by FEDEK

Last Update : 12.11.2019 00:00

Muğla University “Physics” and  Sociology ”departments were given accreditation certificates by Faculty of Science, Faculty of Literature, Science  and Literature Faculties, Language and History Geography Curriculum Evaluation and Accreditation Association (FEDEK)

At the ceremony which took place at the Martyr Police Officer Yaşar Özlem Amphitheatre, the Rector of the our university Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek stated that they aimed to achieve universal standards in education through FEDEK and added, ‘‘we have come a long way in a short time with a hard work in order to improve education, scientific research and service to the society in the Departments of Science and Literature. Muğla Sıktı Koçman University  is in an effort to raise a free, creative, self-confident student group that follows the technological transformation more closely. We support this effort through sustainable infrastructure, not for the next decade, but for the rest of our lives. Therefore, the fact that our country is a powerful actor in the world of the future depends on a qualified education standard. Because we are aware of the high quality of education systems of the countries exporting technology. Frankly, I see that we are achieving this goal quickly and I am proud of it.”

The member of the Board of Directors of FEDEK Dr. Figen Kadırgan stated that the accreditation certificate is the document that the universities have received from national or international institutions to show the quality of their education. And she said “as accreditation is an important application in terms of providing quality assurance and ensuring the continuity of this quality, universities have accredited their programs under the supervision of national and international institutions to demonstrate the quality of their education.”


After the speeches, Dean of the Faculty of Literature Prof. Dr. Sebahattin Çevikbaş, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Science Assoc. Dr. Bekir Tanay, Deputy Head of the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science Assoc. Prof. Uğur Erkaslan, Former Head of Physics Department Habibe Bayhan,  and the Head of Sociology Department of Faculty of Literature Prof. Dr. Muammer Tuna were given accreditation certificates.


Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 12.11.2019 00:00
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