
A Window to the World from the Faculty of Letters

Last Update : 14.07.2021 00:00
“bitig Journal of the Faculty of Letters”, whose editor-in-chief is Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nagehan Uçan Eke,  Academic  Member of the Faculty of Letters of our University, has begun its broadcasting life with its June 2021/1 issue.
Being the media organ of the Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Letters, “bitig Journal of the Faculty of Letters” aims to contribute to the know-how of the social sciences by publishing its unique scientific research articles with a national and international qualification in the areas of language, literature, social sciences and humanities.
Having international arbitration, “bitig Journal of the Faculty of Letters” will be published biannually in June and December The journal will provide an opportunity for comfortable and limitless access to the researches with its open access policy.
“bitig Journal of the Faculty of Letters” primarily contains the base field works of disciplines such as Archaeology, Contemporary Turkish Dialects and Literature, Philosophy, English Translation and Interpreting, English Language and Literature, Psychology, Art History, Sociology, History, Turkish Language and Literature. It is considered to include the works based upon conceptual and field researches in the journal for dissemination and increase of the knowledge in the areas specified and their associate subfields especially by paying regard to interdisciplinary relationships.
Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 14.07.2021 00:00
Number of Views : 1915