
2019-2020 Academic Year Academic Opening Ceremony was Held

Last Update : 19.11.2019 00:00

The program started with the participation of our academic and administrative staff in Cumhuriyet Square Ceremony Area. Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek laid a wreath at the Atatürk Monument and then signed the Memorial Book of Honor.


Following the program at Cumhuriyet Square, TUBITAK President Prof.Dr. Dr. Hasan Mandal met with the students at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of our University. Here, Prof.. Dr. Mandal gave a speech on "Career Planning and Success" and shared his experiences in education and training with the students.


Following this, Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal , accompanied by our Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek visited the Research Laboratories Application and Research Center of the University.


The second part of the Academic Opening Ceremony started at 15.00 at Atatürk University Cultural Center. Among the attendees were the President of TÜBİTAK. Dr. Hasan Mandal, Governor of Muğla Esengül Civelek, Mugla AK Party MP Yelda Erol Gökcan, Muğla Mayor Dr. Osman Gürün, Chairman of Muğla Bar Association Att. Cumhur Uzun, Muğla provincial protocol with all academic, administrative staff and students.


The Polyphonic Choir of the Department of Music Education of the Faculty of Education of the University presented a feast of music to the audience in the 2019-2020 Academic Year Academic Opening Ceremony.


“MSKU Strengthens Through New Departments”


At the Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year, Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Çicek said; “With the activation of Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Islamic Sciences and new departments, programs and divisions that recently started accepting students made our University stronger and thus a bright future is head.” And he added; “From the very first day when I took over the position of Rector, we have come a long way with our adminstirative team. In this sense, our priority target was to strengthen the institutional structure of student-centered Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, to solve problems before they were born with pro-active approaches and to raise them to a dynamic and productive position. In this process, we set very important goals for our university. To summarize briefly; we divided the four-digit pyramid into phases, the first step was for the preparation of the Foundation and the Groundwork, the second step for the Implementation of the Projects, the third step for the Great Industry Collaborations and the fourth step for the Objective of Becoming an R&D University. It was also important for us to decorate these steps with sports, cultural and artistic activities. What motivated us the most were the students that will build a more prosperous future and Turkey.”


Prof. Dr. Çicek pointed out that they have re-activated the “Student Rights Office” with the vision of a Student-Centered University and added; “We have provided our university with an open-air cinema and recreation area in the idle area in front of the Faculty of Engineering. We developed dance, arts and sports areas day by day and opened each unit to the use of our students and staff. We have always sought to save in terms of public finance by using our own resources by costing these areas to one-third or less of the costs we receive. ”


“We will carry our country even beyond our dreams”


Professor Dr. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek is a member of MÜPKOM and İnova Muğla AŞ. In order to enable academic staff and students to sign successful projects in national and international fields. He said that they have established such units, thus supporting both projects and strengthening University-industry cooperation.


Addressing the students in his speech, Rector. Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek said, “Now today; we shall walk together in this science marathon we started together! We shall run together! We shall work! If we have a friend who stumbles, we shall support him together! We shall unwind with arts, sports and our hobbies! And one day we shall see that we are the water we are the dirt to the rooted trees of this paradise country! Let us get together and work together with all our strength to reach the prosperous country that is ahead of the developed countries in science and technology, which we have been dreaming of since the founder of our Republic, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk pointed out to us as a goal. Let us work towards this goal which has been updated with the 2023 and 2071 goals of our President. Please be assured that our determination will carry our country beyond our dreams. I do trust you.”



Following the opening speeches, the students who were placed in the first three places of the University were given their documents.


“MSKÜ draws attention in the fields of food and agriculture”


Academic Year Opening Ceremony continued with the opening lecture of Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal, President of TÜBİTAK. In the opening lecture titled “Situation Assessment in Science, Technology and Innovation Ecosystem - New Processes with a Focus on TÜBİTAK” Prof.. Dr. Mandal has referred to the change, development and renovation processes in information and technology production both in the world and in Turkey and pointed out that unless a “win - win” relationship is developed between funders and researches it is hard to achieve success.


Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal stated that Turkey has seen a rapid rise in the number of scientific publications and patent applications and gave information about the new support programs of TÜBİTAK.


Prof. Dr. Mandal pointed out that Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University has become professional in the fields of environment and energy, especially in the fields of agriculture and food, and said that the University can create new projects by combining these titles with digital technology.


2019-2020 Academic Year Academic Opening Ceremony was concluded with after the presentation of gifts and the commemorative plaque to Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal'a, TÜBİTAK President by our Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek.


Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 19.11.2019 00:00
Number of Views : 2382