
1 Million 294 Thousand TL of Support for the Project of Antique Pedal

Last Update : 26.05.2021 00:00
The “Project of Antique Pedal” carried out by Fethiye Ali Sıtkı Mefharet Koçman Vocational School Research Assistant Gül Bahar Edik Kayhan of our university is put into practise in Muğla.

Project of Antique Pedal has been created upon the project invitation of South Aegean Development Agency (GEKA) with the aim of increasing the attractiveness and transportability of the alternative tourism sites and make the cultural elements to be integrated with tourism and the project has been deemed worthy of 1 million 294 thousand 958,60 TL of support.

Project of Antique Pedal, carried out by Gül Bahar Edik Kayhan, Research Assistant of Department of Park and Garden Plants of Fethiye Ali Sıtkı Mefharet Koçman Vocational School and the president of Fethiye City Council, will be put in practise in April.

It has been foreseen that the tourism of cycling which provides 44 billion Euros and job opportunity to 650 thousand people in Europe will provide a holistic contribution to regional development in concordance with the development aims and priorities of our country.
Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 26.05.2021 00:00
Number of Views : 1877