
“Science and Technology Conference” for a Sustainable Future

Last Update : 27.12.2019 00:00

A “Science and Technology Conference” was organized by the Institute of Science and Technology in our University.

The conference was held with the main theme of “Innovative Materials for a Sustainable Future ”. Eskisehir Technical University Faculty of Engineering Faculty Member. Dr. Ender Suvacı participated as a speaker.

Conference started with the opening speeches of Director of the Institute. Dr. Prof. Mehmet Güneş and Vice Rector Dr. Sırrı Sunay Gürleyük.

Prof. Dr. Ender Suvacı explained how to do Innovative R & D with an interdisciplinary approach in the fields of science and engineering and shared his experiences in Eskişehir Technical University with graduate students and faculty members.

Prof. Dr. Ender Suvacı developed crystal anisotropy known as hidden treasure in the materials for superior diesel injection systems by converting it into a patented product by developing ceramic process conditions; he also shared his scientific studies on developing and converting innovative refrigerator materials that will save energy and converting them into patented products and developing new generation cosmetic materials preventing skin cancer caused by harmful UV rays.

At the 10th Science Research Symposium held within the scope of the conference, graduate students of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences made a poster presentation.

50 posters exhibited within the scope of the symposium were evaluated and scored within the framework of scientific questions and universal poster evaluation criteria posed to the students by the jury.

As a result of the evaluation, the first prize was given by Assoc. Dr. Nevin Güler Dinçer’s graduate student Eda Terci; the second prize was given to Melike Tezbaşaran, a graduate student of the Department of Physics with Assoc. Dr. Atilla Coşkun, and the third prize to Toghrul Karimli, a graduate student in the Department of Information Systems Engineering with Assoc. Dr. Osman Özkaraca.

The first three students who were successful in the symposium were given awards by “Sıtkı Koçman Foundation”.

Basın, Halkla İlişkiler ve Protokol Müdürlüğü Date : 27.12.2019 00:00
Number of Views : 7140