
Tolga Tavşanoğlu
@ E-mail
0252 211 5582

Staff of

Place of Duty

Mühendislik Fakültesi / Metalurji Ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü / Nanoteknoloji Anabilim Dalı

Regular Staff

Mühendislik Fakültesi / Metalurji Ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü / Nanoteknoloji Anabilim Dalı


Bachelor's Degree

İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Kimya - Metalurji Fakültesi Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü 1998

Master's Degree

İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü 2001


Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (MINES ParisTech) - Centre des Matériaux P.M. Fourt / İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü 2009

Academic Publishing

(A-1) Articles published in journals indexed by SCI or SCI Expanded, SSCI, AHCI

1-) Gozdegecim, Gulsumaydin, Tolgatavsanoglu, Ertugrulerkoc, Aysekalemtas, 2020. Review on extraction of polyhydroxyalkanoates and astaxanthin from food and beverage processing wastewater. Journal of Water Process Engineering
2-) Tavşanoğlu Tolga, Özkan Zayim Esra, Okan Ağırseven, Yıldırım Saffettin, Yücel Onuralp, 2019. Optical, electrical and microstructural properties of SiC thin films deposited by reactive dc magnetron sputtering. THIN SOLID FILMS
3-) Tavşanoğlu Tolga, 2017. Synthesis of c axis oriented AlN thin films at room temperature. Surface Engineering
4-) Tavsanoglu, T., Jeandin, M., Addemir, O., 2016. Synthesis and Characterization of Thin Films in the B-C-N Triangle. Surface Engineering
5-) Tavsanoglu, T., Begum, C., Alkan, M., Yucel, O., 2013. Deposition and Characterization of Tungsten Carbide Thin Films by DC Magnetron Sputtering for Wear-Resistant Applications. JOM
6-) Tavsanoglu, T., Jeandin, M., Addemir, O., Agirseven, O., Yucel, O., 2013. An Imaging SIMS Study on the Tribological Properties of Boron Carbide Thin Films. Surface and Interface Analysis
7-) Tavsanoglu, T., Jeandin, M., Addemir, O., Yucel, O., 2012. A Functionally Graded Multilayer Approach to the Synthesis of Boron Containing Ceramic Thin Films. Solid State Sciences
8-) Tavsanoglu, T., Addemir, O., Basaran, E., Alkoy, S., 2004. Processing and Characterization of Functionally Graded Ti/TixCy/DLC Thin Film Coatings. Key Engineering Materials
9-) Boyraz, T., Kilic, A., Ertug, B., Tavsanoglu, T., Karakas, Y., Addemir, O., 2004. The Characterization of Metal-Ceramic Interfaces in Porcelain Teeth. Key Engineering Materials

(A-3-Eski) Articles published in journals indexed by international indexes other than SCI or SCI Expanded, SSCI, AHCI

1-) Tavsanoglu, T., Baskurt, E., Yucel, O., 2011. Optical and Tribological Properties of Silicon Carbide Thin Films Grown by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering. Key Engineering Materials
2-) Baskurt, E., Tavsanoglu, T., Yucel, O., 2010. Effect of Methane Flow Rate on the Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Carbide Thin Films Deposited by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering. Advances in Science and Technology

(A-5-Eski) Articles published in Refereed National Journals

1-) Tavsanoglu, T., Jeandin, M., Addemir, O., 2010. Plazma-Destekli Manyetik Alanda Sıçratma Tekniğiyle B4C İnce Film Üretimi. İTÜ Dergisi/d


1-) Büyükyıldız Mehmet, Turan Ahmet, Tavşanoğlu Tolga, Şakar Erdem, Yücel Onuralp, Kurudirek Murat, 2020. TiB2 Thin Film Coated Glass and High Speed Steel (HSS) in Applications of Radiation Shielding Technology. Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering
2-) Tavşanoğlu Tolga, 2019. Asit ve Baz Kataliz Sol-Jel Daldırmalı Kaplama Tekniği ile Üretilen SiO2 Kaplamaların İncelenmesi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi

(B-1) Papers verbally presented or published in scientific and art meetings like international conferences, symposiums, panels, and workshops

1-) Tavşanoğlu Tolga, 2019. Bor Karbür Kaplamaların Fiziksel Buhar Biriktirme Yöntemiyle Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu. International Symposium on Boron
2-) O. Agirseven, T. Tavsanoglu, E.O. Zayim, O. Yucel, “Optical Properties of Silicon Nitride Thin Films Deposited by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering”, IMMC 2012, 16th International Metallurgy & Materials Congress, September 13-15, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, Proceedings CD-Rom, pp. 421–427. - 2012
3-) O. Agirseven, T. Tavsanoglu, E.O. Zayim, O. Yucel, “Structural and Optical Properties of Silicon Carbonitride Thin Films Deposited by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering”, TMS 2012, 141th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, March 11–15, 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA TMS Supplemental Proceedings: Volume 1: Materials Processing and Interfaces, pp. 595–602. - 2012
4-) C. Begum, T. Tavsanoglu, O. Yucel, “Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Tungsten Carbide Thin Films Deposited by DC Magnetron Sputtering”, IMMC 2012, 16th International Metallurgy & Materials Congress, September 13-15, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, Proceedings CD-Rom, pp. 508–515. - 2012
5-) M.E. Cayan, T. Tavsanoglu, O. Yucel, “Structural, Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Tungsten Carbonitride Thin Films Deposited by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering”, IMMC 2012, 16th International Metallurgy & Materials Congress, September 13–15, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, Proceedings CD-Rom, pp. 593–599. - 2012
6-) T. Tavsanoglu, M.H. Berger, M. Jeandin, O. Addemir, “Nanostructural Investigation of Boron Carbide Thin Films Grown by DC Magnetron Sputtering”, SMT 26, 26th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, June 20–22, 2012, Lyon, France, Proceedings Book pp. 183–189. - 2012
7-) E. Baskurt, T. Tavsanoglu, O. Yucel, “Production and Characterization of Silicon Carbide Thin Films Deposited by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering”, 15th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, November 11–13, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, Proceedings CD-Rom, pp. 1879–1887. - 2010
8-) T. Tavsanoglu, O. Addemir, M. Jeandin, "Synthesis and Characterization of Boron Carbonitride Thin Films by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering", 11th International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society (ECERS 2009), June 21–25, 2009, Krakow, Poland, Proceedings CD–Rom, pp. 630–633. - 2009
9-) T. Tavsanoglu, S. Labdi, M. Jeandin, “Synthesis and Characterization of Boron Carbide Thin Films Grown by RF Sputtering”, TMS 2009, 138th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, February 15–19, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA, Supplemental Proceedings Vol. I: Fabrication, Materials Processing and Properties, pp. 573–580. - 2009
10-) Tavsanoglu, T., Yucel, O., Addemir, O., Jeandin, M., 2008. A functionally Graded Design Study for Boron Carbide and Boron Carbonitride Thin Films Deposited by Plasma–Enhanced DC Magnetron Sputtering. TMS 2008, 137th Annual Meeting and Exhibition
11-) T. Tavsanoglu, S. Labdi, M. Jeandin, O. Addemir, “Characterization of Boron Carbide Thin Films Grown by DC Magnetron Sputtering of a Hot–Pressed Boron Carbide Target”, 10th International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society (ECERS 2007), June 17–21, 2007, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings CD-Rom, pp. 265–270. - 2007
12-) T. Tavsanoglu, O. Addemir, E. Basaran, S. Alkoy, “Investigation of Production Parameters and Characterization of Functionally Graded Ti/TixCy/DLC Thin Film Coatings Deposited Using Reactive Magnetron Sputtering/PECVD Hybrid Technique”, 11th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, June 05–08, 2002, Istanbul, Turkey, Proceedings Book, pp. 1816–1823. - 2002
13-) B. Alpaslan, T. Tavsanoglu, A. Yesilcubuk, O. Addemir “Deposition of ZnO Thin Films on Glass Substrates by Using DC Reactive Magnetron Sputtering”; 11th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, June 05–08, 2002, Istanbul, Turkey, Proceedings Book, pp. 1214–1219. - 2002


1-) Tavsanoglu, T., Jeandin, M., Addemir, O., 2015. Synthesis and Characterization of Thin Films in the Ternary Triangle B-C-N. BraMat 2015, 9th International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering
2-) Tavsanoglu, T., Jeandin, M., Addemir, O., 2015. Synthesis and Characterization of Boron Carbide Thin Films. SIPS 2015 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
3-) Tavsanoglu, T., Cayan, M., Yucel, O., 2015. The Effect of Nitrogen Flow Rate on the Structural and Mechanical Properties of Tungsten Carbonitride (WCN) Thin Films Deposited by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering. MIATEC – RSD 2015 - 14th International Symposium on Reactive Sputter Deposition
4-) Tavsanoglu, T., Cayan, M., Yucel, O., 2014. Synthesis and Characterization of Tungsten Carbonitride (WCN) Thin Films by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering for Tribological Applications. PSE 2014, 14th International Conference On Plasma Surface Engineering
5-) T. Tavsanoglu, O. Agirseven, O. Yucel, “An Imaging SIMS Study on the Tribological Properties of Boron Carbide Thin Films”, 18th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry – SIMS XVIII, September 18–23, 2011, Riva Del Garda, Trentino, Italy, Abstract Book, p. 294. - 2011
6-) T. Tavsanoglu, E. Baskurt, O. Yucel, “Structural, Mechanical and Optical Properties of Amorphous Silicon Carbide Thin Films”, The 18th International Colloquium on Plasma Processes (CIP 2011), July 4–8, 2011, Nantes, France, Abstract Book p.83. - 2011
7-) T. Tavsanoglu, E. Baskurt, O.Yucel, “Optical and Tribological Properties of Silicon Carbide Thin Films Grown by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering”, 3rd International Congress on Ceramics – ICCC3, November 14–18, 2010, Osaka, Japan, Abstract Book p. 1810. - 2010
8-) E. Baskurt, T. Tavsanoglu, O. Yucel, “Effect of Methane Flow Rate on the Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Carbide Thin Films Deposited by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering”, 12th International Ceramic Congress – CIMTEC 2010, June 6–11, 2010, Montecatini Terme, Tuscany, Italy, Abstract Book, pp. 89–90. - 2010
9-) T. Tavsanoglu, S. Labdi, M. Jeandin, O. Addemir, “The Effect of Controlled Ion Bombardment on the Properties of Boron Carbide Thin Films Deposited by Plasma–Enhanced DC Magnetron Sputtering”, Innovations on Thin Films Processing and Characterization – ITFPC 07, November 20–23, 2007, Nancy, France, Abstract Book, p.106. - 2007


1-) Gezgin Ebru, Engeloğlu Melike Nur, Çakır Aslı, Özöğüt Uğur Can, Tavşanoğlu Tolga, Acet Mehmet, 2021. Invar anomaly of Cu-doped Fe64Ni36 alloys. IMMC2021-International Metallurgy and Materials Congress
2-) Özgün Özge, Nejar Muhammed, Çakır Aslı, Tavşanoğlu Tolga, 2021. Comparison of Microstructural and Optical Properties of TiO2 Thin Films Synthesized by Sol-Gel Dip Coating and Spin Coating Techniques. IMMC2021-International Metallurgy and Materials Congress

(D-10) Hakemlikler

1-) Surface and Coatings Technology. 2015. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
2-) Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials. 2015. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1

(D-11) Hakemlikler

1-) Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology-A Applied Sciences and Engineering. 2016. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1


1-) Optical, electrical and microstructural properties of SiC thin films deposited by reactive dc magnetron sputtering - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 1
2-) Synthesis of c axis oriented AlN thin films at room temperature - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 2
3-) Review on extraction of polyhydroxyalkanoates and astaxanthin from food and beverage processing wastewater - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 4
4-) Deposition and Characterization of Tungsten Carbide Thin Films by DC Magnetron Sputtering for Wear-Resistant Applications - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 2
5-) Synthesis of c axis oriented AlN thin films at room temperature - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 1
6-) Synthesis and Characterization of Thin Films in the B-C-N Triangle - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 2
7-) Optical, electrical and microstructural properties of SiC thin films deposited by reactive dc magnetron sputtering - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 3
8-) Deposition and Characterization of Tungsten Carbide Thin Films by DC Magnetron Sputtering for Wear-Resistant Applications - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 4
9-) A Functionally Graded Multilayer Approach to the Synthesis of Boron Containing Ceramic Thin Films - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 1
10-) Synthesis and Characterization of Thin Films in the B-C-N Triangle - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 1
11-) Optical, electrical and microstructural properties of SiC thin films deposited by reactive dc magnetron sputtering - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 3
12-) Synthesis of c axis oriented AlN thin films at room temperature - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 3
13-) A Functionally Graded Multilayer Approach to the Synthesis of Boron Containing Ceramic Thin Films - Atıf Yılı: 2019 Atıf Sayısı: 2
14-) Deposition and Characterization of Tungsten Carbide Thin Films by DC Magnetron Sputtering for Wear-Resistant Applications - Atıf Yılı: 2019 Atıf Sayısı: 3
15-) Optical, electrical and microstructural properties of SiC thin films deposited by reactive dc magnetron sputtering - Atıf Yılı: 2017 Atıf Sayısı: 5
16-) An Imaging SIMS Study on the Tribological Properties of Boron Carbide Thin Films - Atıf Yılı: 2014 Atıf Sayısı: 2
17-) A Functionally Graded Multilayer Approach to the Synthesis of Boron Containing Ceramic Thin Films - Atıf Yılı: 2013 Atıf Sayısı: 1
18-) Processing and Characterization of Functionally Graded Ti/TixCy/DLC Thin Film Coatings - Atıf Yılı: 2013 Atıf Sayısı: 1
19-) A functionally Graded Design Study for Boron Carbide and Boron Carbonitride Thin Films Deposited by Plasma–Enhanced DC Magnetron Sputtering - Atıf Yılı: 2013 Atıf Sayısı: 1
20-) A functionally Graded Design Study for Boron Carbide and Boron Carbonitride Thin Films Deposited by Plasma–Enhanced DC Magnetron Sputtering - Atıf Yılı: 2012 Atıf Sayısı: 1
21-) Effect of Methane Flow Rate on the Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Carbide Thin Films Deposited by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering - Atıf Yılı: 2012 Atıf Sayısı: 1


1-) A functionally Graded Design Study for Boron Carbide and Boron Carbonitride Thin Films Deposited by Plasma–Enhanced DC Magnetron Sputtering - Atıf Yılı: 2013 Atıf Sayısı: 1

(F-2) Administered graduate dissertations

1-) Tez Adı: SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF VANADIUM OXIDE-SILICON OXIDE COMPOSITE COATINGS BY SOL-GEL TECHNIQE. Konu: Vanadium oxide has been widely studied due to its ability to undergo a reversible semiconductor to metal transition which gives the material its unique chromic and photocatalytic properties. Vanadium oxide is also known for its various applications in glass coating technologies, semiconductor industry, in batteries and as supercapacitors, catalysis, and optical switching devices. On the other hand, SiO2 coatings have unique properties such as adjustable refractive index, controllable microstructure, and good transmittance in the visible region; therefore they are used in many application areas such as microelectronics, optoelectronics, sensors, photo-catalysis, self-cleaning and solar energy technologies. In this study, a composite sol of vanadium oxide-silicon dioxide was prepared by using metal alkoxides as precursor, namely vanadium (V) oxytriisopropoxide for vanadium oxide and TEOS (tetraethyl orthosilicate) for silicon dioxide and V2O5-SiO2 coatings were successfully deposited on glass substrates by sol-gel dip coating technique. Microstructural analyses by SEM demonstrated the nanostructure of V2O5-SiO2 coatings deposited. XRD analyses revealed that the coating is amorphous at 300 °C and V2O5 phase obtained at 400 and 500 °C demonstrating that coatings are nanocomposites with crystalline V2O5 phase in the amorphous SiO2 matrix. Optical analyses showed that the transparency of the coatings increased with the increase in the annealing temperatures and the highest transparency of about 70% was obtained from the coating annealed at 500 °C.. MARWAH RAHMAN RAHI-RAHI. 2022


1-) Proje Durum: Tamamlandı. Projedeki Görev: Yürütücü. Konu: Bu projede lateks küreleri içeren bir solüsyon mikroyapı yönlendirici/şekillendiriciolarak kullanılarak, gözenekli-düzenli nanoyapıda TiO2 kaplamalar elde etmek ve buyapı sayesinde görünür ışık optik geçirgenliklerinin arttırılması hedeflenmiştir.Literatürden farklı olarak, lateks küreleri içeren solüsyon mikroyapı yönlendirici/şekillendirici olarak cam ve tek kristal taban malzemeler üzerine döndürmelikaplama yöntemi ile kaplanarak taban malzeme yüzeylerinin doğrudanşablonlanması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca solüsyona doğrudan ilave yöntemi ile dekaplamalar üretilmiş ve elde edilen kaplamaların karşılaştırmalı incelemelerigerçekleştirilmiştir. SEM yüzey morfoloji/kesit analizleri, düşük açılı XRD ilegerçekleştirilen faz analizleri ve spektrofotometre ile gerçekleştirilen optikgeçirgenlik analizleri sonucunda bu proje çerçevesinde, gözenekli, düzenlinanoyapıda, stokiyometriye yakın kimyasal bileşimde, amorf, homojen ve %95oranında yüksek optik geçirgenlikte TiO2 kaplamalar başarıyla üretilmiştir.. Proje Türü: Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi. Düzenli-nanogözenekli TiO2 kaplamaların sol-jel döndürmeli ve daldırmalı kaplamatekniklerinin kombinasyonu ile üretimi ve karakterizasyonu. 2017-2020
2-) Proje Durum: Devam Ediyor. Projedeki Görev: Yürütücü. Konu: . Proje Türü: Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi. Silisyum Dioksit İnce Filmlerin Sol-Jel Yöntemiyle Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu. 2014--1


1-) DC ve RF Manyetik Alanda Sıçratma Teknikleriyle Bor Karbür ve Bor Karbonitrür İnce Filmlerin Biriktirilmesi - 2010
2-) DLC İnce Filmlerin Mekanik ve Elektriksel Özelliklerinin Geliştirilmesi ve Karakterizasyonu - 2002
3-) İkincil İyon Kütle Spektrometresi ile Yarıiletken Malzemelerin Analizlerinde Kullanılacak Referans Standartların Karakterizasyonu - 2001


1-) IMMC 2016, 18th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress. Türkiye. . 2016
2-) 17th International Symposium on Boron, Borides and Related Materials, September 11–17, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey . Eylül. Türkiye. 2011


MME 1004 2024-2025 Bahar

Materials in Practice

MME 3528 2024-2025 Bahar

Materials Research II

MME 4010 2024-2025 Bahar

Application of Materials Processing and Design II

MME 4023 2024-2025 Bahar

Application of Materials Processing and Design I

MME 4516 2024-2025 Bahar

Coating Processes and Evaluation of Turbine Parts Coating

MME 4526 2024-2025 Bahar

Iron and Steel Production

MME 2515 2024-2025 Güz

Metallurgy in Türkiye

MME 4019 2024-2025 Güz

Materials Characterization Techniques III

MME 4023 2024-2025 Güz

Application of Materials Processing and Design I

MME 4515 2024-2025 Güz

Surface Modification Techniques

MME 1004 2023-2024 Bahar

Materials in Practice

MME 4006 2023-2024 Bahar

Application of Materials Processing and Design II

MME 4516 2023-2024 Bahar

Coating Processes and Evaluation of Turbine Parts Coating

MME 4526 2023-2024 Bahar

Iron and Steel Production

MME 2515 2023-2024 Güz

Metallurgy in Türkiye

MME 4006 2023-2024 Güz

Application of Materials Processing and Design II

MME 4015 2023-2024 Güz

Application of Materials Processing and Design I

MME 4019 2023-2024 Güz

Materials Characterization Techniques III

MME 4515 2023-2024 Güz

Surface Modification Techniques