1-) Yurdakul Özgür, Balaban Eren, Artagan Salih Serkan, Routıl Ladıslav, 2025. Bond-slip model of corroded plain round bars in low-strength concrete under cyclic and monotonic loading. ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS
2-) Artagan Salih Serkan, Borecky Vladislav, Yurdakul Özgür, Lunak Miroslav, 2023. Assessing concrete strength loss at elevated temperatures as a function of dielectric variation measured by GPR: an empirical study. NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND EVALUATION
3-) Yurdakul Özgür, Artagan Salih Serkan, Balaban Eren, Routıl Ladıslav, 2022. Evaluation of cyclic bond-slip behavior of smooth bars in low strength concrete: An experimental and stochastic study. Structures
4-) Borkovcová Anna, Borecky Vladislav, Artagan Salih Serkan, Ševcík Filip, 2021. Quantification of the Mechanized Ballast Cleaning Process Efficiency Using GPR Technology. Remote Sensing
5-) Yurdakul Özgür, Balaban Eren, Artagan Salih Serkan, Routıl Ladislav, 2021. Stochastic assessment of bond-slip behavior of plain round bars in low strength concrete. Engineering Structures
6-) Artagan Salih Serkan, Borecky Vladislav, 2020. Advances in the nondestructive condition assessment of railway ballast: A focus on GPR. NDT E International
7-) Artagan Salih Serkan, Bıanchını Cıampolı Luca, D’amıco Fabrizio, Calvı Alessandro, Tostı Fabio, 2020. Non-destructive Assessment and Health Monitoring of Railway Infrastructures. Surveys in Geophysics
8-) Borecky Vladislav, Haburaj Frantisek, Artagan Salih Serkan, Routil Ladislav, 2019. Analysis of GPR and FWD Data Dependency Based on Road Test Field Surveys. Materials Evaluation
1-) Pajewskı Lara, Tonıssıon Hans, Orvıku Kaarel, Govedarıca Miro, Rıstıc Aleksandar, Borecky Vladislav, Artagan Salih Serkan, Fontul Simona, Dımıtrıadıs Klisthenis, 2019. TU1208 GPR Roadshow: Educational and Promotional Activities Carried out by Members of COST ACTION TU1208 to Increase Public Awareness on The Potential and Capabilities of The GPR Technique. Ground Penetrating Radar
2-) Pajewskı Lara, Vrtunskı Milan, Bugarınovıc Zeljko, Rıstıc Aleksandar, Govedarıca Miro, Van Der Wıelen Audrey, Gregoıre Collette, Van Geem Carl, Derobert Xavier, Borecky Vladislav, Artagan Salih Serkan, Fontul Simona, Marecos Vania, Lambot Sebastian, 2018. GPR system performance compliance according to COST Action TU1208 guidelines. Ground Penetrating Radar
3-) Artagan Salih Serkan, Borecky Vladislav, 2016. Estimation Methods for Obtaining GPR Signal Velocity. International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering
4-) Artagan Salih Serkan, Borecky Vladıslav, 2015. Applicability of GPR on Turkish Railways. Electronic Journal of Occupational Improvement and Research
1-) Görkem İsmail Çağrı, Artagan Salih Serkan, Kayaalp Bekir Tuna, Saykan Cem, Özdemir İmer Arda, 2024. Determination of Resistance to Water-İnduced Damage of Bituminous Mixtures Containing Hydrated Lime Prepared with Different Contents of PVC Waste. Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering
1-) Advances in the nondestructive condition assessment of railway ballast: A focus on GPR - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 7
2-) Non-destructive Assessment and Health Monitoring of Railway Infrastructures - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 9
3-) Quantification of the Mechanized Ballast Cleaning Process Efficiency Using GPR Technology - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
4-) Stochastic assessment of bond-slip behavior of plain round bars in low strength concrete - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 5
5-) Evaluation of cyclic bond-slip behavior of smooth bars in low strength concrete: An experimental and stochastic study - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 3
6-) Assessing concrete strength loss at elevated temperatures as a function of dielectric variation measured by GPR: an empirical study - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 2
1-) Proje Durum: Tamamlandı. Projedeki Görev: Araştırmacı. Konu: New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses.The primary achievement is to ensure well-equipped personnel with enough knowledge and skills to work in the context of safety critical railway operation systems. Another important output is the course curricula and training modules are improved by the feedbacks from experts based on ECTS and ECVET standards.. Proje Türü: Avrupa Birliği. Development of Education Modules for Safety Critical Railway Operation Systems. 2020-2024
2-) Proje Durum: Tamamlandı. Projedeki Görev: Araştırmacı. Konu: This Action focused on the exchange of scientific-technical knowledge and experience of GroundPenetrating Radar (GPR) techniques in Civil Engineering (CE). The project was developedwithin the frame of a unique approach based on the integrated contribution of academic researchers,software developers, geophysics experts, Non-Destructive Testing equipment designers andproducers, end users from private companies and public agencies. In this interdisciplinary Action,advantages and limitations of GPR were highlighted leading to the identification of gaps inknowledge and technology. Protocols and guidelines for EU Standards were developed, foreffective application of GPR in CE. Advanced electromagnetic-scattering anddata-processing techniques will be developed. The understanding of relationships betweengeophysical parameters and CE needs were improved. Freeware software was released, forinspection and monitoring of structures and infrastructures, buried-object localization, shapereconstruction and estimation of useful parameters. A high level training program was organized.Mobility of early-stage researchers was encouraged.. Proje Türü: COST. COST Action TU1208 - Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar. 2013-2017
1-) Proje Durum: Tamamlandı. Projedeki Görev: Araştırmacı. Konu: . Proje Türü: Diğer(Uluslararası). International mobility of employees of the University of Pardubice II(Project No:CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_053/0016969). 2021-2021