
Doçent Doktor ÖMÜRDEN GENÇ
Doçent Doktor
Ömürden Genç
@ E-mail
0252 211 1938

Staff of

Place of Duty

Mühendislik Fakültesi / Maden Mühendisliği Bölümü / Cevher Hazırlama Anabilim Dalı

Regular Staff

Mühendislik Fakültesi / Maden Mühendisliği Bölümü / Cevher Hazırlama Anabilim Dalı


Bachelor's Degree

Hacettepe Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Maden Mühendisliği Bölümü 12.06.2000

Master's Degree

Hacettepe Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Maden Mühendisliği Bölümü/ Cevher Hazırlama Anabilim Dalı 02.09.2002


Hacettepe Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Maden Mühendisliği Bölümü/ Cevher Hazırlama Anabilim Dalı 09.10.2008

Academic Publishing

(A-1) Articles published in journals indexed by SCI or SCI Expanded, SSCI, AHCI

1-) Ouchterlony Finn, Sanchidrián José A., Genç Ömürden, 2021. Advances on the Fragmentation-Energy Fan Concept and the Swebrec Function in Modeling Drop Weight Testing. Minerals
2-) Genç, Ö., 2016. Grinding and classification performance evaluation and modelling of an industrial scale horizontal roller mill (Horomill) process. ZKG International
3-) Genç, Ö., 2016. Effect of pre-crushing with a vertical shaft impactor (VSI) crusher on grinding performance and capacity of an industrial scale multi-compartment cement ball mill classification circuit. ZKG International
4-) Genç, Ö., 2016. Optimization of an industrial scale open circuit three-compartment cement grinding ball mill with the aid of simulation. International Journal of Mineral Processing
5-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A.H., 2016. Effect of High Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR) pre-grinding and ball mill intermediate diaphragm grate design on grinding capacity of an industrial scale two-compartment cement ball mill classification circuit. Minerals Engineering
6-) Genç, Ö., 2015. Optimization of fully air-swept dry grinding cement raw meal ball mill closed circuit capacity with the aid of simulation. Minerals Engineering
7-) Genç, Ö., 2015. Analysis of grinding media effect on specific breakage rate function of particles in a full-scale open circuit three-compartment cement ball mill. Minerals Engineering
8-) Genç, Ö., 2015. Effect of ball load and size distribution on grinding and classification performance. ZKG
9-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A.H., 2015. Analysis of specific discharge rate functions in industrial scale cement grinding multi-compartment ball mills to assist ball mill modelling. Minerals Engineering
10-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A.H., Ergün, Ş.L., 2014. Analysis of single particle impact breakage characteristics of raw and HPGR-crushed cement clinkers by drop weight testing. Powder Technology
11-) Genç, Ö., Ergün, Ş.L., Benzer, A.H., 2013. The dependence of specific discharge and breakage rate functions on feed size distributions, operational and design parameters of industrial scale multi-compartment cement ball mills. Powder Technology
12-) Ekşi, D., Benzer, A.H., Sargın, A., Genç, Ö., 2011. A new method for determination of fine particle breakage. Minerals Engineering
13-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A.H., 2009. Single Particle Impact Breakage Characteristics of Clinkers Related to Mineral Composition and Grindability. Minerals Engineering
14-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A.H., 2009. Horizontal Roller Mill (Horomill®) Application Versus Hybrid HPGR/Ball Milling in Finish Grinding of Cement. Minerals Engineering
15-) Genç, Ö., Ergün, L., Benzer, H., 2004. Single Particle Breakage Characterization of Materials by Drop Weight Testing. Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing


1-) Genç Ömürden, Benzer Ahmet Hakan, 2019. Effect of Mill Feed Size Distribution and Grinding Media Size on Size Reduction Performance of an Industrial Scale Vibrating Ball Mill (VBM) in Cement Clinker Grinding. Scientific Mining Journal
2-) Genç Ömürden, Benzer Ahmet Hakan, 2018. Operational Performance of a Conventional Two-compartment Ball Mill Grinding Circuit at Different Cement Productions. Scientific Mining Journal
3-) Genç, Ö., 2017. An investigation on single-particle impact breakage functions of a gold ore by drop-weight technique. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration
4-) Genç, Ö., 2016. Analysis of Single Particle Impact Breakage Distribution Functions of a Colemanite Ore by Drop Weight Technique. Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Engineering Journal of Science and Engineering
5-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A.H., 2008. Analysis of Single Particle Breakage Characteristics of Cement Clinker and Cement Additives by Drop-Weight Technique. The Journal of the Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey
6-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A.H., 2008. Performance Analysis, Modelling and Simulation of Dry Air-Swept Coal Ball Mill Grinding Circuit. The Journal of the Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey

(A-5) Articles published in journals indexed by international indexes other than SCI or SCI Expanded, SSCI, AHCI

1-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A.H., 2011. Evaluation of Cement Clinker Grindability Through Single Particle Impact Breakage Distributions. Cement and Concrete World

(B-1) Papers verbally presented or published in scientific and art meetings like international conferences, symposiums, panels, and workshops

1-) Genç Ömürden, Benzer Ahmet Hakan, 2019. Effect of operational conditions on energy efficiencies of air swept ball mill and classification circuits in cement raw material production. Türkiye 26. Uluslararası Madencilik Kongresi ve Sergisi
2-) Genç Ömürden, Benzer Ahmet Hakan, 2018. Discussing the ball mill circuit design in cement production performance. 16th International Mineral Processing Symposium
3-) Genç Ömürden, 2017. Analysis of the self-similarity of single particle impact breakage distributions of cement clinker particles. 25th International Mining Congress and Exibition of Turkey
4-) Genç Ömürden, Benzer Ahmet Hakan, 2017. Energy Efficicent Cement Production in a Conventional Two-Compartment Ball Mill Grinding Circuit. International Symposium on Mining and Environment
5-) Genç Ömürden, Bayır Merve, 2017. Investigation of the Coating Behaviour of a Waste Marble From Muğla-Yatağan Region in a Laboratory Scale Mill. International Symposium on Mining and Environment
6-) Genç Ömürden, Benzer Ahmet Hakan, 2017. Performance evaluation of a conventional closed circuit process at different cement productions. 25th International Mining Congress and Exibition of Turkey
7-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, H., 2016. Performance evaluation of an industrial scale two-compartment cement ball mill and dynamic air classifier closed circuit process at different feed conditions. 15th International Mineral Processing Symposium&Exhibition
8-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A., 2012. Size Reduction Performance Evaluation of Open Circuit Three-Compartment Industrial Scale Cement Grinding Tube Mill. XIII. International Mineral Processing Symposium
9-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A., Ergün, Ş., 2010. Effect of Pre-crushing in Full-Scale High Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR) on Clinker Grindability and Single Particle Impact Breakage Function. XIIth International Mineral Processing Symposium
10-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A., 2008. Horizontal Roller Mill (Horomill®) application versus Ball Milling in Finish Grinding of Cement. 6th International Comminution Symposium (Comminution 08)
11-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A., Ergün, Ş., 2008. Effect of ball size classification on specific breakage rates of particles in full-scale cement grinding tube mills. 24th International Mineral Processing Congress
12-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A., Ergün, Ş., 2008. Effect of High Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR®) on Grinding Performance of Two-Compartment Cement Ball Mill. 11th International Mineral Processing Symposium
13-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A., Ergün, Ş., 2006. Grinding Performance Evaluation of Two-Compartment Cement Grinding Ball Mills. 11th European Symposium on Comminution
14-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A., 2006. Analysis of breakage and discharge rates in industrial cement grinding mills. XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress
15-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A., 2006. Direct Calculation of Breakage and Discharge Rates of Particles in Dry Grinding Ball Mills. JKMRC International Student Conference II
16-) Bahena, J., Genç, Ö., Navarro, J., 2006. Efecto De La Carga Circulante De Molienda De Cementos En Los Parámetros Del Modelo Matemático. XVI. CIME International Extractive Metallurgy Congress


1-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A., Ergün, Ş., Öner, M., 2002. Investigation of Breakage Behaviour of Clinker Particles by Drop-Weight Testing. IXth International Mineral Processing Symposium.

(B-4) Papers verbally presented or published in scientific and art meetings like national conferences, symposiums, panels, and workshops

1-) Genç, Ö., Benzer, A., 2012. Size Reduction Performance Evaluation of Fully Air-swept Ball Mill Used in the Cement Industry. 1. Yerbilimleri Sempozyumu

(C-1) Books published by publishing houses internationally renowned in the relevant field

1-) Genç, Ö., 2015. Optimization of cement raw material ball mill dry grinding: An industrial application and methodologies. Yayın Evi: Lambert Academic Publishing Editör Adı: Anna Voronina

(C-3) Book Chapters published by publishing houses internationally renowned in the relevant field

1-) Genç, Ö., 2016. Modern technologies for high strength and high performance concrete. Yayın Evi: Intech Editör Adı: Salih Yılmaz

(D-10) Hakemlikler

1-) Powder Technology. 2022. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
2-) Powder Technology. 2022. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
3-) Powder Technology. 2022. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
4-) Sustainability. 2022. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
5-) Minerals Engineering. 2022. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
6-) Minerals Engineering. 2022. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
7-) Powder Technology. 2021. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
8-) Scientific Reports. 2021. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
9-) Energy. 2021. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
10-) Powder Technology. 2021. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
11-) Minerals. 2021. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
12-) Powder Technology. 2021. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
13-) Powder Technology. 2021. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
14-) Particulate Science and Technology. 2021. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
15-) Sustainability. 2021. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
16-) Minerals. 2021. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
17-) International Journal of Mining Science and Technology. 2021. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
18-) Energies. 2021. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
19-) Particulate Science and Technology. 2020. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
20-) Powder Technology. 2020. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
21-) Powder Technology. 2020. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
22-) POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 2019. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
23-) POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 2018. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
24-) MINERALS. 2018. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
27-) Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing. 2018. Hakemlik Sayısı: 2
29-) POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 2017. Hakemlik Sayısı: 2
32-) APPLIED ENERGY. 2017. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
34-) Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing . 2016. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
35-) Particulate Science and Technology. 2016. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
36-) Powder Technology. 2016. Hakemlik Sayısı: 4
37-) International Journal of Mineral Processing. 2016. Hakemlik Sayısı: 3
38-) Powder Technology. 2015. Hakemlik Sayısı: 9
39-) Powder Technology. 2014. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1

(D-11) Hakemlikler

1-) Journal of Polytechnic. 2021. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
2-) Scientific Mining Journal. 2021. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
3-) Scientific Mining Journal. 2021. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
4-) Scientific Mining Journal. 2020. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
5-) Results in Engineering. 2020. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
6-) Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration. 2018. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
7-) BİLİMSEL MADENCİLİK DERGİSİ. 2018. Hakemlik Sayısı: 2
8-) Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2016. Hakemlik Sayısı: 3

(D-12) Hakemlikler

1-) 4th International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC2019). 2019. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
2-) 3rd International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2018). 2018. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
5-) BİLİMSEL MADENCİLİK DERGİSİ. 2017. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
6-) 1st International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress. 2016. Hakemlik Sayısı: 2
7-) Türkiye 24. Uluslararası Madencilik Kongresi ve Sergisi bildiriler kitabı. 2015. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1
8-) Türkiye 23. Uluslararası Madencilik Kongresi ve Sergisi bildiriler kitabı. 2013. Hakemlik Sayısı: 1


1-) Single Particle Breakage Characterization of Materials by Drop Weight Testing - Atıf Yılı: 2019 Atıf Sayısı: 1
2-) A new method for determination of fine particle breakage - Atıf Yılı: 2019 Atıf Sayısı: 2
3-) Single Particle Impact Breakage Characteristics of Clinkers Related to Mineral Composition and Grindability - Atıf Yılı: 2016 Atıf Sayısı: 1
4-) Optimization of fully air-swept dry grinding cement raw meal ball mill closed circuit capacity with the aid of simulation - Atıf Yılı: 2016 Atıf Sayısı: 2
5-) Analysis of grinding media effect on specific breakage rate function of particles in a full-scale open circuit three-compartment cement ball mill - Atıf Yılı: 2016 Atıf Sayısı: 2
6-) A new method for determination of fine particle breakage - Atıf Yılı: 2016 Atıf Sayısı: 2


1-) Analysis of Single Particle Breakage Characteristics of Cement Clinker and Cement Additives by Drop-Weight Technique - Atıf Yılı: 2019 Atıf Sayısı: 1
2-) Optimization of an industrial scale open circuit three-compartment cement grinding ball mill with the aid of simulation - Atıf Yılı: 2019 Atıf Sayısı: 1
3-) Analysis of single particle impact breakage characteristics of raw and HPGR-crushed cement clinkers by drop weight testing - Atıf Yılı: 2019 Atıf Sayısı: 2
4-) A new method for determination of fine particle breakage - Atıf Yılı: 2016 Atıf Sayısı: 1


1-) Single Particle Breakage Characterization of Materials by Drop Weight Testing - Atıf Yılı: 2019 Atıf Sayısı: 1

(F-2) Administered graduate dissertations

1-) Tez Adı: SİLPEPS ÖĞÜTÜCÜ ORTAMI BOYUNUN BİR KROM CEVHERİNİN BİLYALI DEĞİRMENDE KURU ÖĞÜTÜLME PERFORMANSI ÜZERİNE ETKİSİNİN İNCELENMESİ. Konu: bir krom cevherinin bilyalı değirmen kuru öğütme performansının tek-boyutlu ve çok-boyutlu silindirik şekilli silpeps dağılımları kullanılarak araştırılmasI. Mehmet -Oruç. 2022
2-) Tez Adı: MUĞLA-KARACAÖREN BÖLGESİ KROM CEVHERİNİN KURU ÖĞÜTME DAVRANIMININ STANDART BOND BİLYALI DEĞİRMENİNDE İNCELENMESİ. Konu: Krom cevherinin kuru öğütülme performansının farklı bilya dağılımları ile incelenmesi. Zehra -Gökalp. 2018


1-) Tez Adı: Modelling of Pulp Flow and Stratification on Modified Pinched Sluice. Konu: Modifiye edilmiş Daralan Olukta pülp tabakalaşmasının modellenmesi çalışmaları . Ercan -Polat. 2024
2-) Tez Adı: Silpeps Öğütücü Ortamı Boyunun Bir Krom Cevherinin Bilyalı Değirmende Kuru Öğütülme Performansı Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Konu: Krom kuru öğütülme performansı, silpeps boyu etkisi. Mehmet-Oruç. 2022
3-) Tez Adı: Mermer Tesis Atıklarının Kompozit Plaka Yapımında Kullanımının Araştırılması. Konu: Mermer atıklarının değerlendirilmesi. Sedanur-Tunç. 2021
4-) Tez Adı: Suda Bulunan Kolloidal Kil Parçacıklarının Elektrokoagülasyon Yöntemi ile Uzaklaştırılması. Konu: Kil elektrokoagülasyon. Özgür-Atay. 2019
5-) Tez Adı: Muğla Karacaören Bölgesi Krom Cevherinin Kuru Öğütme Davranımının Standart Bond Bilyalı Değirmeninde İncelenmesi. Konu: Krom kuru öğütülme performansı, bilya boyu etkisi. Zehra-Gökalp. 2018
6-) Tez Adı: Kuvars Zenginleştirme Tesis Atıklarının Modifiye Daralan Oluk ile Zenginleştirilebilirliğinin İncelenmesi. Konu: Kuvars Zenginleştirme. Süleyman -Yurtsever. 2016


1-) Proje Durum: Tamamlandı. Projedeki Görev: Araştırmacı. Konu: . Proje Türü: TÜBİTAK PROJESİ. PROJE NO:104M369. 2003-2008
2-) Proje Durum: Tamamlandı. Projedeki Görev: Araştırmacı. Konu: . Proje Türü: TÜBİTAK PROJESİ. PROJE NO:MISAG-190. 2000-2003


1-) Proje Durum: Tamamlandı. Projedeki Görev: Yürütücü. Konu: Öğütme. Proje Türü: Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi. Muğla-Karacaören Bölgesi Krom Cevherinin Kuru Öğütme Performansının Araştırılması. 2017-2019


1-) Proje Durum: Tamamlandı. Projedeki Görev: Araştırmacı. Konu: . Proje Türü: Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi. PROJE NO:0202602020. 2003-2008


1-) International Symposium on Mining and Environment. Turkey. . 2017
2-) 25th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey. Turkey. . 2017
3-) 15th International Mineral Processing Symposium&Exhibition. Turkey. . 2016
4-) 23rd International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey . Turkey. . 2013
5-) Workshop on Current Trends in Mineral Processing "Application in Dry and Wet Processing”. . TÜRKİYE. 2006
6-) IX. International Mineral Processing Symposium. . TÜRKİYE. 2002


MINE 2016 2024-2025 Bahar

Mineral Processing I

MINE 4004 2024-2025 Bahar

Project Design in Mining or Mineral Processing II

MINE 4005 2024-2025 Bahar

Project Design in Mining or Mineral Processing I

MINE 4520 2024-2025 Bahar

Waste Processing and Recycling***

MINE5514 2024-2025 Bahar

Measurement, Modeling and Control of Mineral Processing Plants

MINE6001 2024-2025 Bahar

Automation In Mineral Processing Plants

MINE 2016 2023-2024 Bahar

Mineral Processing I

MINE 4004 2023-2024 Bahar

Project Design in Mining or Mineral Processing II

MINE 4520 2023-2024 Bahar

Waste Processing and Recycling***

MINE5514 2023-2024 Bahar

Measurement, Modeling and Control of Mineral Processing Plants

MINE 4517 2023-2024 Güz

Introduction to Ceramics Technology***

MINE5541 2023-2024 Güz

Data Analysis In Mineral Processing