(A-1) Articles published in journals indexed by SCI or SCI Expanded, SSCI, AHCI
1-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2021. An operational matrix method to solve linear Fredholm–Volterra
integro-differential equations with piecewise intervals. Mathematical Sciences
2-) Biçer Şarlak Gül Gözde, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2018. Numerical approach for solving linear Fredholm integro-differential equation with piecewise intervals by Bernoulli polynomials. International Journal of Computer Mathematics
3-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, Anapalı Ayşe, 2017. Numerical solution the fractional Bagley–Torvik equation arising in fluid mechanics. International Journal of Computer Mathematics
4-) Başkonuş Hacı Mehmet, Altan Koç Dilara, Gülsu Mustafa, Bulut Hasan, 2017. New wave simulations to the (3+1)-dimensional modified Kdv-Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation. AIP Conf. Pro.
5-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, Anapalı Ayşe, 2017. Numerical solution the fractional Bagley Torvik equation arising in fluid mechanics. International Journal of Computer Mathematics
6-) Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2015. Taylor collocation method for solution of systems of high-order linear Fredholm-Volterra integro-differential equations. International Journal of Computer Mathematics
7-) Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2015. Approximations to the solution of linear Fredholm integrodifferential-difference equation of high-order. Journal of the Franklin Institute
8-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2015. Numerical solution of a modified epidemiological model for computer viruses. Applied Mathematical Modelling
9-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2014. An approximation algorithm for the solution of the Lane Emden type equations arising in astrophysics and engineering using Hermite polynomials. Computational and Applied Mathematics
10-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2014. An operational matrix for solving Lane Emden equations arising in astrophysics. ”, Math. Meth. Appl
11-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, 2014. Numerical approach for the solution of hypersingular integro differential equations. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION
12-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2013. A numerical approach for solving initial boundary value problem describing the process of cooling of a semi infinite body by radiation. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING
13-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, Anapalı Ayşe, 2013. Numerical approach for solving fractional relaxation oscillation equation. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING
14-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, Anapalı Ayşe, 2013. Numerical approach for solving fractional Fredholm integro differential equation. International Journal of Computer Mathematics
15-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, Sezer Mehmet, 2012. A new Chebyshev polynomial approximation for solving delay differential equations. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
16-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, Sezer Mehmet, 2011. On the solution of the Abel equation of the second kind by the shifted Chebyshev polynomials. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION
17-) Gülsu Mustafa, Gürbüz Burcu, Öztürk Yalçın, Sezer Mehmet, 2011. Laguerre polynomial approach for solving linear delay difference equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation
18-) Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2011. A Taylor collocation method for solving high order linear pantograph equations with linear functional argument. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
19-) Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2011. A collocation approach for the numerical solution of certain linear retarded and advanced integrodifferential equations with linear functional arguments. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
20-) Sezer Mehmet, Gülsu Mustafa, Tanay Bekir, 2011. Rational Chebyshev collocation method for solving higher order linear ordinary differential equations. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
21-) Gülsu Mustafa, Gürbüz Burcu, Öztürk Yalçın, Sezer Mehmet, 2011. Laguerre polynomial approach for solving linear delay difference equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation
22-) Şahin Niyazi, Yüzbaşı Şuayip, Gülsu Mustafa, 2011. A collocation approach for solving systems of linear Volterra integral equations with variable coefficients. Comp.and Math. with Appl
23-) Yüzbaşı Şuayip, Şahin Niyazi, Gülsu Mustafa, 2011. A collocation approach for solving class of complex differential equations in elliptic domains. J.Numer.Math
24-) Sezer Mehmet, Tanay Bekir, Gülsu Mustafa, 2010. Numerical solution of a class of complex differential equations by the Taylor collocation method in elliptic domains. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
25-) Bülbül Berna, Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2010. A New Taylor Collocation Method for Nonlinear Fredholm Volterra Integro Differential Equations. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
26-) Sezer Mehmet, Gülsu Mustafa, 2010. Solving High Order Linear Differential Equations by a Legendre Matrix Method Based on Hybrid Legendre and Taylor Polynomials. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
27-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, Sezer Mehmet, 2010. A new collocation method for solution of mixed linear integro differential difference equations. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION
28-) Sezer Mehmet, Yalçınbaş Salih, Gülsu Mustafa, 2008. A Taylor polynomial approach for solving generalized pantograph equations with nonhomogenous term. International Journal of Computer Mathematics
29-) Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2007. Approximate solution to linear complex differential equation by a new approximate approach. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION
30-) Sezer Mehmet, Gülsu Mustafa, 2007. Polynomial solution of the most general linear Fredholm Volterra integrodifferential difference equations by means of Taylor collocation method. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION
31-) Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2006. A Taylor polynomial approach for solving differential difference equations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
32-) Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2006. On the solution of the Riccati equation by the Taylor Matrix method. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION
33-) Gülsu Mustafa, 2006. A finite difference approach for solution of Burgers equation. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION
34-) Sezer Mehmet, Karamete Ayşen, Gülsu Mustafa, 2005. Taylor polynomial solutions of systems of linear differential equations with variable coefficients. International Journal of Computer Mathematics
35-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öziş Turgut, 2005. Numerical solution of Burgers equation with restrictive Taylor approximation. Applied Mathematics and Computation
1-) Altan Koç Dilara, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2023. A numerical algorithm for solving one-dimensional
parabolic convection-diffusion equation. Journal of Taibah University for Science
2-) Sezer Mehmet, Gülsu Mustafa, 2006. Approximate solution of complex differential equation for a rectangular domain with Taylor collocation method. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION
3-) Sezer Mehmet, Gülsu Mustafa, Tanay Bekir, 2006. A Taylor collocation method for the numerical solution of complex differential equations with mixed conditions in elliptic domains. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION
4-) Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2005. A method for the approximate solution of the high order linear difference equation in terms of Taylor polynomials. International Journal of Computer Mathematics
1-) Yalman Koşunalp Hatice, Gülsu Mustafa, 2024. Operational matrix for multi-order fractional differential equations with hermite polynomials. Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences – Sigma Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi
2-) Yalman Koşunalp Hatice, Gülsu Mustafa, 2023. Towards solving linear fractional differential equations with
Hermite operational matrix. Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal
(A-3-Eski) Articles published in journals indexed by international indexes other than SCI or SCI Expanded, SSCI, AHCI
1-) Öztürk Yalçın, Anapalı Şenel Ayşe, Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2013. A Collocation Method for Solving Fractional Riccati Differential Equation. Journal of Applied Mathematics
(A-5) Articles published in journals indexed by international indexes other than SCI or SCI Expanded, SSCI, AHCI
1-) Anapalı Şenel Ayşe, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2021. New Numerical Approach for Solving Abel's Integral Equations. Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences
2-) Yalman Koşunalp Hatice, Gülsu Mustafa, 2021. Operational Matrix by Hermite Polynomials for Solving Nonlinear Riccati Diferantial Equations. International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science
3-) Altan Koç Dilara, Gülsu Mustafa, 2021. A new numerical scheme for solving the two dimensional fractional diffusion equation. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics
4-) Yalman Koşunalp Hatice, Gülsu Mustafa, 2020. An Operational Matrix of Hermite Polynomials for Solving Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations. Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science
5-) Yalman Koşunalp Hatice, Gülsu Mustafa, 2020. An Efficient Approximation for Fractional Differential Equations using Operational Matrix by Hermite Polynomials. Scholars Journal of Physics, Mathematics and Statistics
6-) Biçer Şarlak Gül Gözde, Anapalı Ayşe, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2017. A Numerical Solution for Fractional Damped Mechanical Oscillator Equation. Scholars Journal of Physics, Mathematics and Statistics
7-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2017. An Operational Matrix Method for Solving a Class of Nonlinear Volterra Integro-Differential Equations by Operational Matrix Method. International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics
8-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2017. Numerical solution of Abel equation using operational matrix method with Chebyshev polynomials. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics
9-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2017. Approximate solution of generalized pantograph equations withvariable coefficients by operational method. An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories Applications
10-) Altan Koç Dilara, Gülsu Mustafa, 2017. Numerical approach for solving time fractional diffusion equation. An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories Applications (IJOCTA)
11-) Biçer Şarlak Gül Gözde, Anapalı Ayşe, Gülsu Mustafa, 2017. A New Numerical Approach for Solving Fractional Bagley-Torvik Equation. International Journal of Computer Applications
12-) Öztürk Yalçın, Anapalı Ayşe, Gülsu Mustafa, 2017. A Numerical Scheme for Continuous Population Models for Singleand Interacting Species. Journal of Balıkesir University Institute of Science and Technology
13-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Aydan, Gülsu Mustafa, 2016. On Solution of a Modified Epidemiological Model for Drug Release System. Scholars Journal of Physics, Mathematics and Statistics
14-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2016. A Collocation method for solving system of Volterra differential difference equations with terms of Chebyshev polynomials. British Journal of Applied Science and Technology
15-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2016. The approximate solution of high order nonlinear ordinary differential equations by improved collocation method with terms of shifted Chebyshev polynomials. Int.J.Appl.Comput.Math
16-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2015. Numerical solution of Riccati equation using operational matrix method with Chebyshev polynomials. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics
17-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2015. An efficient algorithm for solving nonlinear system of differential equations and applications. New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
18-) Anapalı Ayşe, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2015. A numerical solution of multi term fractional ordinary differential equations by generalized Taylor matrix method. Scholars Journal of Physics, Mathematics and Statistics
19-) Anapalı Ayşe, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2015. Numerical Solutions of Duffing Equations Involving Linear Integral with Shifted Chebyshev Polynomials. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
20-) Anapalı Ayşe, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2015. Numerical approach for solving Fractional Pantograph equation. International Journal of Computer Applications
21-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Aydan, Gülsu Mustafa, 2013. A numerical method for solving the mathematical model of controlled drug release. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Dergisi
22-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Aydan, Gülsu Mustafa, 2013. A numerical approach for solving modified epidemiological model for drug release systems. Nevşehir Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi
23-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, Sezer Mehmet, 2013. Numerical solution of Logaritmic singular integro differential equations. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen-Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi
24-) Yüksel Gamze, Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2012. A Chebyshev polynomial approach for high order linear Fredholm Volterra integro differential equations. Gazi University Journal of Science
25-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, Sezer Mehmet, 2012. Numerical approach for solving Volterra integro differential equations with piecewise intervals. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics
26-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2012. Approximate solution of linear generalized pantograph equations with variable coefficients on Chebyshev Gauss grid. Journal of Advanced Research in Scientific Computing
27-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, 2012. On The Numerical Solution of Linear Fredholm Volterra IntegroDifferential Difference Equations With Piecewise Intervals. , Applications and Applied Mathematics:An International Journal
28-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, 2011. Approximate solution of the singular perturbation problem on chebyshev gauss grid including delay term. American Journal of Computational Mathematics
29-) Gülsu Mustafa, Yalman Hatice, Öztürk Yalçın, Sezer Mehmet, 2011. A new Hermite collocation method for solving differential difference equations. Applications and Applied Mathematics:An International Journal
30-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, Sezer Mehmet, 2011. Numerical solution of singular integro differential equations with Cauchy kernel. World Applied Sciences Journal
31-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, Sezer Mehmet, 2011. Approximate solution of the singular perturbation problem on Chebyshev Gauss grid. Journal of Advanced Research in Differential Equations
32-) Gürbüz Burcu, Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2011. Numerical solution of differential difference equations by Laguerre collocation method. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen-Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi
33-) Yüksel Gamze, Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2011. Chebyshev polynomial solutions of a class of second order nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Journal of Advanced Research in Scientific Computing
34-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2011. Chebyshev polynomial bases for solving linear Fredholm Volterra delay differential difference equations. International Journal of Mathematics and Computation
35-) Gürbüz Burcu, Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2011. Numerical approach of high order linear delay difference equations with variable coefficients in terms of laguerre polynomials. Mathematical and Computational Applications
36-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, Sezer Mehmet, 2010. The approximate solution of high order linear delay equations with variable coefficients in terms of shifted Chebyshev polynomials. Erzincan Üniversitesi Fen-Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi
37-) Gülsu Mustafa, Öztürk Yalçın, 2010. Chebyshev polynomial approximation for solving the second kind linear Fredholm integral equation. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen-Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi,
38-) Yüksel Gamze, Gülsu Mustafa, 2009. Parabolik kısmi diferansiyel denklemler için iki zaman adımlı yaklaşımlar üzerine bir çalışma. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen-Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergis
39-) Bülbül Berna, Gülsu Mustafa, 2009. Bir Boyutlu Parabolik Kısmi Diferensiyel Denklemler için Kontrol Parametresinin Nümerik Yöntemlerle Belirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniv. Fen-Ed.Fak. Fen Dergisi
40-) Tanay Bekir, Gülsu Mustafa, Sezer Mehmet, 2009. A polynomial approach for solving high order linearcomplex differential equations with variable coefficients in disc. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen-Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi,
1-) Öztürk Yalçın, Anapalı Şenel Ayşe, Limoncu Ceren, Gülsu Mustafa, 2023. A Numerical Application of the Chebyshev Operational Matrix Method for HIV
Infection of CD4+T-cells. Adıyaman University Journal of Science
(B-1) Papers verbally presented or published in scientific and art meetings like international conferences, symposiums, panels, and workshops
1-) Altan Koç Dilara, Biçer Şarlak Gül Gözde, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2022. A Finite Difference Method to Solve the Linear Lane Emden Equations. 5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications(ICOMAA-2022)
2-) Altan Koç Dilara, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2021. A Chebyshev Collocation Method for Solving Nonlinear Blasius Equations. 4th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA-2021)
3-) Altan Koç Dilara, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2021. An Efficient Numerical Method for Solving Parabolic Partial Differential Equation. 4th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA-2021)
4-) Altan Koç Dilara, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2020. A Finite Difference Method to Solve a Special Type of Second Order Differential Equations. 3rd International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications
5-) Yalman Koşunalp Hatice, Gülsu Mustafa, 2020. Hermit Operational Matrix for Solving Fractional Differential Equations. 3rd International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications
6-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2019. The Chebshev collocation method for the approximate solution of system of pantograph equations. 1 st International Science and Innovation Congress
7-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2019. Chebyshev Series Solution of Linear System of Fredholm Integro-differential Difference Equations. 1 st International Sciences and Innovation Congress
8-) Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2019. An operational matrix method to solve non-linear Volterra integro-differential equations. 1 st International Science and Innovation Congrees
9-) Altan Koç Dilara, Gülsu Mustafa, 2019. Numerical Solutions of Time Fractional Partial Differential Equation. CMES-2019
10-) Akarsu Eda, Gülsu Mustafa, 2019. A numerical approach for solving the Riccati differential equations with fractional orders. 1 st International Science and Innovation Congres
11-) Gülşen Sinem, Gülsu Mustafa, 2019. Approximate solutions of the linear differential equations of the fractional order. III International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress
12-) Akarsu Eda, Gülsu Mustafa, 2019. Numerical approach for Abel differential equation of fractional order. III International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress
13-) Anapalı A., Öztürk Y., Gülsu,M.,”Numerical approach for solving fractional pantograph equation”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics,(ICRAPAM 2014), 6-9 November 2014, Antalya - 2014
1-) Yalman Koşunalp Hatice, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2018. On numerical approximation of generalized differential difference equations with linear functional argument. International Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications
2-) Biçer Şarlak Gül Gözde, Altan Koç Dilara, Anapalı Ayşe, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2018. A NUMERICAL APPROACH FOR FRACTIONAL EQUATIONS. 5th International Congress on Fundamental and Applied Sciences 2018 (ICFAS2018)
3-) Altan Koç Dilara, Öztürk Yalçın, Anapalı Ayşe, Biçer Şarlak Gül Gözde, Gülsu Mustafa, 2018. ON NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS FOR TIMEFRACTIONAL PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION. 3th International Conference Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences 2018
4-) Biçer Şarlak Gül Gözde, Gülsu Mustafa, 2018. KESİRLİ DİFERANSİYEL DENKLEMLER İÇİN NÜMERİK YAKLAŞIMLAR. VII. Fen Bilimleri Araştırma Sempozyumu
5-) Altan Koç Dilara, Gülsu Mustafa, 2017. Numerical Approach for Solving Time Fractional Diffusion Equation. International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences
6-) Öztürk Yalçın, Anapalı Ayşe, Biçer Gül Gözde, Altan Koç Dilara, Gülsu Mustafa, 2017. Numerical solution of nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm integro Differential equations via shiftef Chebyshev collocation method. 4th International Conference on Computer and Experimental Science and Engineering
7-) Öztürk Yalçın, Anapalı Ayşe, Biçer Gül Gözde, Altan Koç Dilara, Gülsu Mustafa, 2017. Chebyshev series solution of system of multi-pantograph delay differential equations using collocation method. 4th International Conference on Computer and Experimental Science and Engineering
8-) Anapalı Ayşe, Altan Koç Dilara, Biçer Gül Gözde, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2017. Numerical Method for Solving Time Fractional Partial Differential Equation. 4th International Conference on Computer and Experimental Science and Engineering
9-) Anapalı Ayşe, Biçer Gül Gözde, Altan Koç Dilara, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2017. Solving Abel s integral equations using generalized Taylor series. 4th International Conference on Computer and Experimental Science and Engineering
10-) Anapalı Ayşe, Biçer Gül Gözde, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2017. Numerical Approach for Solving Composite Fractional Relaxation/Oscillation Equations. 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences
11-) Biçer Gül Gözde, Anapalı Ayşe, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2017. A New Numerical Method for Solving Fractional Bagley-Torvik Equation. 3rdInternational Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences
12-) Anapalı Ayşe, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2016. Numerical approach for solving systems of fractional integro differential equations.. International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science,(ICENS-2016)
13-) Biçer Gül Gözde, Öztürk Yalçın, Gülsu Mustafa, 2016. Numerical scheme for solving linear Fredholm integro differential difference equations. International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science,(ICENS-2016)
1-) Biçer, Gül, G., Öztürk Y.,Gülsu,M.,”Fonksiyonel Diferansiyl Denklemlerin Bernoulli Polinom Çözümleri Üzerine”, 14. Matematik Sempozyumu, Niğde Üniversitesi, 14-16 Mayıs 2015, Niğde. - 2015
2-) Çelik, F.,Anapalı A., Öztürk,Y.,Gülsu,M.,”Bagley Torvik esirli Diferansiyel Denkleminin Nümerik Çözümleri Üzerine”, 14. Matematik Sempozyumu, Niğde Üniversitesi, 14-16 Mayıs 2015, Niğde - 2015
3-) A. Anapalı, Y. Öztürk, M. GÜLSU, Kesirli Mertebeden Lane-Emden Diferansiyel Denkleminin Çözümü için Taylor Sıralama Yöntemi, 27. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, 26-29 Ağustos 2014 İstanbul, Türkiye - 2014 - 2014
1-) Anapalı Ayşe, Gülsu Mustafa, 2018. Numerical Approach for Solving System of Linear Fractional Differential Equations. VIII. Fen Bilimleri Araştırma Sempozyumu
1-) A new collocation method for solution of mixed linear integro differential difference equations - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 4
2-) A finite difference approach for solution of Burgers equation - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 3
3-) On the solution of the Riccati equation by the Taylor Matrix method - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 1
4-) On the solution of the Abel equation of the second kind by the shifted Chebyshev polynomials - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 3
5-) An operational matrix for solving Lane Emden equations arising in astrophysics - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 3
6-) Numerical approach for solving fractional relaxation oscillation equation - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 2
7-) Numerical solution of a modified epidemiological model for computer viruses - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 1
8-) Numerical approach for the solution of hypersingular integro differential equations - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 2
9-) An operational matrix method to solve linear Fredholm–Volterra
integro-differential equations with piecewise intervals - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 2
10-) A Taylor polynomial approach for solving differential difference equations - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 1
11-) A Taylor collocation method for solving high order linear pantograph equations with linear functional argument - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 1
12-) A Collocation Method for Solving Fractional Riccati Differential Equation - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 1
13-) Laguerre polynomial approach for solving linear delay difference equations - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 2
14-) A collocation approach for solving systems of linear Volterra integral equations with variable coefficients - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 3
15-) Numerical approach for solving fractional relaxation oscillation equation - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 1
16-) A finite difference approach for solution of Burgers equation - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 3
17-) Laguerre polynomial approach for solving linear delay difference equations - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 2
18-) Taylor collocation method for solution of systems of high-order linear Fredholm-Volterra integro-differential equations - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 1
19-) A Taylor polynomial approach for solving generalized pantograph equations with nonhomogenous term - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 3
20-) A new Hermite collocation method for solving differential difference equations - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 2
21-) Numerical approach for solving linear Fredholm integro-differential equation with piecewise intervals by Bernoulli polynomials - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 1
22-) On the solution of the Abel equation of the second kind by the shifted Chebyshev polynomials - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 2
23-) A new collocation method for solution of mixed linear integro differential difference equations - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 2
24-) Approximate solution to linear complex differential equation by a new approximate approach - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 1
25-) Numerical solution the fractional Bagley–Torvik equation arising in fluid mechanics - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 2
26-) A Collocation Method for Solving Fractional Riccati Differential Equation - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 1
27-) Taylor polynomial solutions of systems of linear differential equations with variable coefficients - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 2
28-) A Taylor polynomial approach for solving differential difference equations - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 1
29-) Numerical solution of Burgers equation with restrictive Taylor approximation - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 3
30-) A finite difference approach for solution of Burgers equation - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 5
31-) A Taylor polynomial approach for solving differential difference equations - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 1
32-) Approximations to the solution of linear Fredholm integrodifferential-difference equation of high-order - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 3
33-) A Taylor polynomial approach for solving generalized pantograph equations with nonhomogenous term - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 1
34-) Rational Chebyshev collocation method for solving higher order linear ordinary differential equations - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 4
35-) A Taylor collocation method for solving high order linear pantograph equations with linear functional argument - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 1
36-) On the solution of the Abel equation of the second kind by the shifted Chebyshev polynomials - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 1
37-) Laguerre polynomial approach for solving linear delay difference equations - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 4
38-) A collocation approach for solving systems of linear Volterra integral equations with variable coefficients - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 4
39-) Numerical approach for solving fractional Fredholm integro differential equation - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 1
40-) An approximation algorithm for the solution of the Lane Emden type equations arising in astrophysics and engineering using Hermite polynomials - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 2
41-) Numerical solution of a modified epidemiological model for computer viruses - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 2
42-) Numerical solution the fractional Bagley–Torvik equation arising in fluid mechanics - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 1
43-) An operational matrix for solving Lane Emden equations arising in astrophysics - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 2
44-) Numerical approach for solving linear Fredholm integro-differential equation with piecewise intervals by Bernoulli polynomials - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 1
45-) Taylor collocation method for solution of systems of high-order linear Fredholm-Volterra integro-differential equations - Atıf Yılı: 2021 Atıf Sayısı: 3
46-) Numerical approach for solving Volterra integro differential equations with piecewise intervals - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 1
47-) Approximations to the solution of linear Fredholm integrodifferential-difference equation of high-order - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 1
48-) On the solution of the Abel equation of the second kind by the shifted Chebyshev polynomials - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 1
49-) Laguerre polynomial approach for solving linear delay difference equations - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 2
50-) A collocation approach for solving systems of linear Volterra integral equations with variable coefficients - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 2
51-) Numerical approach for solving fractional relaxation oscillation equation - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 3
52-) Approximate solution to linear complex differential equation by a new approximate approach - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 1
53-) Rational Chebyshev collocation method for solving higher order linear ordinary differential equations - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 1
54-) Solving High Order Linear Differential Equations by a Legendre Matrix Method Based on Hybrid Legendre and Taylor Polynomials - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 1
55-) A new Chebyshev polynomial approximation for solving delay differential equations - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 1
56-) Numerical approach for solving fractional Fredholm integro differential equation - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 1
57-) Polynomial solution of the most general linear Fredholm Volterra integrodifferential difference equations by means of Taylor collocation method - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 1
58-) A new collocation method for solution of mixed linear integro differential difference equations - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 2
59-) A Taylor polynomial approach for solving generalized pantograph equations with nonhomogenous term - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 6
60-) On the solution of the Riccati equation by the Taylor Matrix method - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 2
61-) Numerical solution of Burgers equation with restrictive Taylor approximation - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 1
62-) A finite difference approach for solution of Burgers equation - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 1
63-) Numerical solution the fractional Bagley–Torvik equation arising in fluid mechanics - Atıf Yılı: 2020 Atıf Sayısı: 2
1-) Taylor collocation method for solution of systems of high-order linear Fredholm-Volterra integro-differential equations - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
2-) A finite difference approach for solution of Burgers equation - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 2
3-) On the solution of the Riccati equation by the Taylor Matrix method - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
4-) A Taylor polynomial approach for solving generalized pantograph equations with nonhomogenous term - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 2
5-) On the solution of the Abel equation of the second kind by the shifted Chebyshev polynomials - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
6-) A new Chebyshev polynomial approximation for solving delay differential equations - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
7-) A collocation approach for solving systems of linear Volterra integral equations with variable coefficients - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
8-) Numerical solution of singular integro differential equations with Cauchy kernel - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
9-) Rational Chebyshev collocation method for solving higher order linear ordinary differential equations - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
10-) Numerical approach for solving fractional Fredholm integro differential equation - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
11-) Numerical approach for solving fractional relaxation oscillation equation - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
12-) An approximation algorithm for the solution of the Lane Emden type equations arising in astrophysics and engineering using Hermite polynomials - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 2
13-) An operational matrix for solving Lane Emden equations arising in astrophysics - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
14-) Numerical approach for solving Fractional Pantograph equation - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
15-) The approximate solution of high order nonlinear ordinary differential equations by improved collocation method with terms of shifted Chebyshev polynomials - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 2
16-) Numerical solution the fractional Bagley–Torvik equation arising in fluid mechanics - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 2
17-) An operational matrix method to solve linear Fredholm–Volterra
integro-differential equations with piecewise intervals - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
1-) Numerical solution of a modified epidemiological model for computer viruses - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
2-) An operational matrix for solving Lane Emden equations arising in astrophysics - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 2
3-) An approximation algorithm for the solution of the Lane Emden type equations arising in astrophysics and engineering using Hermite polynomials - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
4-) Numerical approach for solving fractional relaxation oscillation equation - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
5-) A new collocation method for solution of mixed linear integro differential difference equations - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
6-) Numerical approach for solving fractional Fredholm integro differential equation - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
7-) Rational Chebyshev collocation method for solving higher order linear ordinary differential equations - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
8-) Taylor collocation method for solution of systems of high-order linear Fredholm-Volterra integro-differential equations - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
9-) Approximate solution of complex differential equation for a rectangular domain with Taylor collocation method - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
10-) A Taylor collocation method for the numerical solution of complex differential equations with mixed conditions in elliptic domains - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
11-) A Taylor polynomial approach for solving generalized pantograph equations with nonhomogenous term - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 1
12-) A method for the approximate solution of the high order linear difference equation in terms of Taylor polynomials - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 2