(A-1) Articles published in journals indexed by SCI or SCI Expanded, SSCI, AHCI
1-) Kutucuoglu Ky, Hamali J, Sharp Jm, Irani Z, 2002. Enabling BPR in maintenance through a performance measurement system framework. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS
2-) Kutucuoğlu, K.Y., Hamali, J., Irani, Z., Sharp, J., 2001. A framework for managing maintenance using performance measurement systems. International Journal of Operations & Production Management
1-) Sharp, Iranı, Kutucuoglu, Erzincanlı, 2002. Integrating TQM and TPM into a management information system. International Journal of Information Technology Management
(A-5) Articles published in journals indexed by international indexes other than SCI or SCI Expanded, SSCI, AHCI
1-) Erdil Yusuf Ziya, Asunakutlu Tuncer, Kutucuoğlu Kemal Yüce, 2018. An Overview of Quality Management in the Turkish Higher Education System. Education Quality Assurance
2-) Fırat, A., Kutucuoğlu, K.Y., Arıkan Saltık, I., Tunçel, Ö., 2013. Consumption, Consumer Culture And Consumer Society. The Journal of Community Positive Practices
1-) Fırat, A., Tunçel, Ö., Arıkan Saltık, I., Kutucuoğlu, K.Y., 2012. Toplumsal Paradigmadaki Değişimler Bağlamında Tüketim Diyalektiğine Bakış. Finans Politik & Ekonomik Yorumlar
(B-1) Papers verbally presented or published in scientific and art meetings like international conferences, symposiums, panels, and workshops
1-) Asunakutlu, T., Erdil, Y.Z., Kutucuoğlu, K.Y., 2014. An Overview of Quality Management in the Turkish Higher Education System, , 21-23 Nisan 2014, Kuching, Malaysia.. 18th International Conference on ISO & TQM
2-) Factors Affecting Successful Implementation of ISO 9001: 2000, 49th EOQ Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 25-27 April 2005. - 2005
3-) Quality Management Systems and Performance Measurement in a Public Sector Organisation, 45th EOQ Annual Congress, 19-21 Eylül 2001 Istanbul, Turkey. - 2001
4-) Future Skills Required for Maintenance Engineers, World Trends in Maintenance Engineering Conference, 18-20 Ağustos 1999, South Africa. - 1999
5-) Quality in Maintenance, IFRIM 1998, 25-26 Mayıs 1998, K.U. Leuven, Editor: Liliane Pintelon. - 1998
6-) Striving for Qualiy in Maintenance within Manufacturing Organisations, IFRIM ’97 Meeting, 27 Mayıs 1997, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Editor: H.H. Martin. - 1997
(C-3) Book Chapters published by publishing houses internationally renowned in the relevant field
1-) Asunakutlu Tuncer, Kutucuoğlu Kemal Yüce, 2021. University-Industry Collaboration Strategies in the Digital Era/The Critical Success Factors in Higher Education: Ranking Systems and Industrial Context. Yayın Evi: IGI Global Editör Adı: Günay Durmuş, Asunakutlu Tuncer, Yildiz Orkun