
Profesör Doktor
Bahadır Süleyman Yıldırım
@ E-mail
0252 211 5762

Staff of

Place of Duty

Mühendislik Fakültesi / Elektrik Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü / Elektromanyetik Alanlar Ve Mikrodalga Tekniği Anabilim Dalı

Regular Staff

Mühendislik Fakültesi / Elektrik Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü / Elektromanyetik Alanlar Ve Mikrodalga Tekniği Anabilim Dalı


Bachelor's Degree

Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Elektronik ve Haberleşme Mühendisliği Bölümü 1990

Master's Degree

University of Colorado, Boulder-Colorado, USA Engineering Faculty Electrical Engineering 1994


Arizona State University, Tempe-Arizona, USA Engineering Faculty Electrical Engineering 1998

Academic Publishing

(A-1) Articles published in journals indexed by SCI or SCI Expanded, SSCI, AHCI

1-) Telli Emrah, Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, 2023. A novel dual-BJT avalanche pulse generator with mixer effect. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies
2-) Assi Saad A., Omarov Jeyhun, Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, 2023. A Novel Microwave Noise Generator Using Multiple Zener Diodes Connected in Series. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters
3-) Cırık Acıkaya Funda, Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, 2021. A dual-band microstrip patch antenna for 2.45/5-GHz WLAN applications. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications
4-) Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, Karayahşi Kutlu, 2019. Broadband UHF microstrip coupler. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications
5-) Arslan Serdar, Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, 2018. A Broadband Microwave Noise Generator Using Zener Diodes and a New Technique for Generating White Noise. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
6-) Arslan Serdar, Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, 2018. A novel white noise generator as the tracking generator for filter measurements. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications
7-) Cirik, F., Yildirim, B.S., 2016. Analysis and design of a 3.5-GHz patch antenna for WiMAX applications. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies
8-) Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, Başaran Erkul, Türetken Bahattin, 2016. Compact and Planar WCDMA/WLAN/UWB Antenna with Shorted Loop and Monopole Elements. ACES Journal
9-) Yildirim, B., Basaran, E., Turetken, B., 2013. Dielectric loaded compact WLAN/WCDMA antenna with shorted loop and monopole elements. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
10-) Yildirim, B., 2011. Multiband and compact WCDMA/WLAN antenna for mobile equipment. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
11-) Cetiner, B.A., Biyikli, N., Yildirim, B.S., Damgaci, Y., 2010. Nanoelectromechanical switches for reconfigurable antennas. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
12-) Yildirim, B.S., Cetiner, B.A., Roqueta, G., Jofre, L., 2009. Integrated Bluetooth and UWB antenna. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
13-) Yildirim, B., Cetiner, B.A., 2008. Enhanced gain patch antenna with a rectangular loop shaped parasitic radiator. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
14-) Yildirim, B.S., 2006. Low-profile and planar antenna suitable for WLAN/Bluetooth and UWB applications. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters

(A-3-Eski) Articles published in journals indexed by international indexes other than SCI or SCI Expanded, SSCI, AHCI

1-) Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, 2018. DESIGN of a PULSE GENERATOR CIRCUIT for UWB COMMUNICATIONS. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology
2-) Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, 2017. A NOVEL MULTI-BAND CHIP ANTENNA DESIGN for 2.45 GHz and 5 GHz WLAN BANDS. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology

(B-1) Papers verbally presented or published in scientific and art meetings like international conferences, symposiums, panels, and workshops

1-) Telli Emrah, Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, 2023. A novel technique of pulse shortening through spectral enhancement. 2023 7th International Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference (EMC Turkiye)
2-) Telli Emrah, Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, 2023. A novel avalanche pulse generator circuit with controllable pulse properties. 2023 7th International Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference (EMC Turkiye)
3-) Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, Karayahşi Kutlu, 2019. Broadband UHF Directional Coupler with High Directivity. 2019 Fifth International Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference (EMC Turkiye)
4-) Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, 2019. Broadband VHF/UHF Antenna Using a Multi-Resonance Meanderline Element. 2019 Fifth International Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference (EMC Turkiye)
5-) Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, 2017. VHF Pulse Transmitter for EMC Applications. IEEE EMC Türkiye 2017
6-) Yildirim, B.S., 2011. Dielectric loaded compact WCDMA/WLAN antenna with loop and monopole elements. 19th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) 2011
7-) Yildirim, B.S., 2010. Compact WCDMA/WLAN antenna for mobile equipment. IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems
8-) Yildirim, B., Genc, A., Cetiner, B.A., 2008. Integrated Bluetooth and UWB antenna. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
9-) Yildirim, B., Cetiner, B., Xu, Q., 2007. Reconfigurable planar inverted-F antenna for mobile phones. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
10-) Yildirim, B., Manzak, A., 2007. Low-power low-noise RF amplifier for RFID applications. RFID Eurasia 2007
11-) Elsharawy, E., Yildirim, B., 2000. FDTD analysis of ferrite devices. IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Ferrite Workshop, IMS-2000
12-) Zhou, G., Yildirim, B., 1999. A multi-band fixed cellular phone antenna. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
13-) Yildirim, B.S., B., E., 1998. Finite-difference time-domain analysis of a strip line disc junction circulator. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
14-) Yildirim, B.S., B., E., 1997. FDTD analysis of a shorted and truncated microstrip antenna for mobile communications systems. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
15-) Yildirim, B.S., B., E., 1997. Finite-difference time-domain analysis of a dual-resonance and shielded cellular antenna. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
16-) Yildirim, B.S., B., E., 1997. Finite-difference time-domain analysis of microwave ferrite devices. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
17-) Yildirim, B.S., B., E., 1996. FDTD analysis of microwave ferrite devices and antennas. PIERS Symposium
18-) Yildirim, B.S., B., E., 1996. Analysis of a magnetically-shielded cellular phone antenna using finite-difference time-domain method. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium


1-) Arslan Serdar, Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, 2018. Design of a Novel and Low-Cost White Noise Tracking Generator to Measure Filter Response. 9th International Conference on Science, Engineering, Technology and Healthcare

(B-4) Papers verbally presented or published in scientific and art meetings like national conferences, symposiums, panels, and workshops

1-) Yıldırım Bahadır Süleyman, 2016. Kablosuz Yerel Alan Ağ Uygulamaları için Çift-Bantlı bir Yonga Anten Tasarımı. URSI-Türkiye 2016 VIII. Bilimsel Kongresi
2-) Cirik, F., Yildirim, B., 2014. 3.5-GHz’de çalışan WiMAX yama anten tasarımı. URSI-Türkiye

(F-2) Administered graduate dissertations

1-) Tez Adı: Analysis and Design of Semiconductor Noise Generators in VHF and UHF Bands. Konu: Analysis and Design of Semiconductor Noise Generators in VHF and UHF Bands. Serdar-Arslan. 2017
2-) Tez Adı: Analysis and design of a 3.5 GHz patch antenna for WIMAX applications. Konu: Analysis and design of a 3.5 GHz patch antenna for WIMAX applications. Funda-Cirik. 2014


1-) Proje Durum: Devam Ediyor. Projedeki Görev: Yürütücü. Konu: . Proje Türü: Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi. Ultra-genişbantlı Vericiler için Darbe Üreten Devreler ve Antenlerin Araştırılması ve Tasarlanması. 2016--1


1-) Patent Sahibi: Motorola - Guangping Zhou, Allen T. Tsai, Bahadir S. Yildirim. Radiation shielding tri-band antenna adapted to provide dual-band polarizations. 2004


EEE 2004 2024-2025 Bahar

Circuit Analysis II

EEE 4002 2024-2025 Bahar

Graduation Project

EEE 4005 2024-2025 Bahar

Engineering Design

EEE5524 2024-2025 Bahar

Advanced Communication Electronics

EEE5526 2024-2025 Bahar

Advanced R/F Microwave Cicuit Desing

EEE 2001 2024-2025 Güz

Circuit Analysis I

EEE 3513 2024-2025 Güz

Microwave Techniques

EEE 4005 2024-2025 Güz

Engineering Design

EEE 1002 2023-2024 Bahar

Computer Programming II

EEE 4002 2023-2024 Bahar

Graduation Project

EEE 4005 2023-2024 Bahar

Engineering Design

EEE 4518 2023-2024 Bahar

High Frequency Electronic Circuits

EEE 3001 2023-2024 Güz

Summer Practice I

EEE 3513 2023-2024 Güz

Microwave Techniques

EEE 4001 2023-2024 Güz

Summer Practice II

EEE 4002 2023-2024 Güz

Graduation Project

EEE 4005 2023-2024 Güz

Engineering Design

EEE5556 2023-2024 Güz

High Speed Communication Circuits and Systems II