(A-1) SCI veya SCI Expanded, SSCI, AHCI tarafından taranan dergilerde yayımlanan tam makale
1-) Özyurt Vasfiye Hazal, Avcı Okan, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2023. Bismuth film based electrochemical hydroxymethylfurfural sensor. Eur Food Res Technol
2-) Perk Benay, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2023. Copper based metal organic framework decorated with gold nanoparticles as a new electrochemical sensor material for the detection of L-Cysteine in milk samples. J Food Sci Technol
3-) Perk Benay, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2023. Gold nanoparticle deposited electrochemical sensor for hyaluronic acid detection. Chemical papers
4-) Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2023. Graphene-Based Nanomaterial Electrochemical Biosensors for the Determination of the H3N2 Virus. Analytical Letters
5-) Güzel Umut, Can Göksu, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Haklı Özgül, Oylumluoğlu Görkem, Anık Ülkü, 2023. Electrospun modified PAN-porphyrin nanofiber electrode for caffeine detection. Materials Chemistry and Physics
6-) Perk Benay, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Bachraoui Bouzaien Sana, Diounani Mohamed Fethi, Anık Ülkü, 2023. Fabrication of metal–organic framework based electrochemical Leishmania immunosensor. Microchemical Journal
7-) Kıyıkçı Hüseyin Furkan, Avcı Okan, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Timur Suna, Anık Ülkü, 2023. Oxidase mimicking Co/2Fe MOF included biosensor for sialic acid detection. Talanta
8-) Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2023. Electro-Nano Diagnostic Platform Based on Antibody–Antigen Interaction: An Electrochemical Immunosensor for Influenza A Virus Detection. Biosensors Basel
9-) Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2022. Graphene\Gold Hybrid Nanomaterial Based Impedimetric Immunosensor for H3N2 Influenza A Virus Detection. ChemistrySelect
10-) Avcı Okan, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2022. Electrochemical Determination of Hemoglobin by the İmmobilization of the Analyte into a Carbon Felt Electrode (CFE) Using Cyclic Voltammetry (CV). Analytical Letters
11-) Tepeli Büyüksünetci Yudum, Çitil Burak Ekrem, Anık Ülkü, 2022. An impedimetric approach for COVID-19 detection. The Analyst
12-) Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2021. Neuraminidase Based Electro-Nano Diagnostic Platforms: Development of Model Systems for Cancer Diagnosis. Electroanalysis
13-) Avcı Okan, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Güley Ziba, Anık Ülkü, 2021. L. Lactis Subsp. Lactis of Cheese Origin Based Microbial Fuel Cell. ChemistrySelect
14-) Perk Benay, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Çetin Ramazan, Haklı Özgül, Anık Ülkü, 2021. Electrochemical sensor based on perylene diimide derivative modified electrode. Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly
15-) Almunla Moustafa, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Akpolat Oğuz, Anık Ülkü, 2021. Development of Apple Tissue Based Biocathode and MWCNT-Pt-Au Nanomaterial Based Bioanode Biofuel Cell. Electroanalysis
16-) Avcı Okan, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Erden Kopar Emre, Timur Suna, Anık Ülkü, 2021. Pseudomonas fragi/graphene-gold hybrid nanomaterial bioanode based microbial fuel cell. New Journal of Chemistry
17-) Perk Benay, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Haklı Özgül, Xue Chenming, Li Quan, Anık Ülkü, 2021. Centri-Voltammetric GSH Detection with PDI-C4SH as a Carrier Materiall. ChemistrySelect
18-) Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Çitil Burak Ekrem, Tapan Utku, Anık Ülkü, 2021. Development and application of a SARS-CoV-2 colorimetric biosensor based on the peroxidase-mimic activity of ?-Fe2O3 nanoparticles. Microchimica Acta
19-) Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Haklı Özgül, Anık Ülkü, 2020. Centri-Voltammetric Folic Acid Detection. Electroanalysis
20-) Kalyoncu Dorukhan, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2019. Development of a Sandwich Immunosensor for concurrent detection of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and ?-fetoprotein (AFP) biomarkers. Materials Science and Engineering: C
21-) Avcı Okan, Perk Benay, Ören Varol Tuğba, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2019. A polyoxy group branched diazo dye as an alternative material for the fabrication of an electrochemical epinephrine sensor. New Journal of Chemistry
22-) Anık Ülkü, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Sayhi Maher, Nsiri Jihene, Diounani Mohamed Fethi, 2018. Towards the electrochemical diagnostic of influenza virus: development of a graphene–Au hybrid nanocomposite modified influenza virus biosensor based on neuraminidase activity. The Analyst
23-) Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2018. Electrochemical biosensors for influenza virus a detection: The potential of adaptation of these devices to POC systems. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
24-) Sayhi Maher, Ouerghi Oussama, Belgacem Kamel, Arbi Marwa, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Ghram Abdeljalil, Anık Ülkü, Österlund Lars, Laouini Dhafer, Diounani Mohamed Fethi, 2018. Electrochemical detection of influenza virus H9N2 based on both immunomagnetic extraction and gold catalysis using an immobilization-free screen printed carbon microelectrode. Biosensors and Bioelectronics
25-) Kalyoncu Dorukhan, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Kırgöz Umut Can, Buyraç Arda, Anık Ülkü, 2017. Electro-nano Diagnostic Platforms for Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Cancer Biomarkers. Electroanalysis
26-) Aslan Sema, Tutum Murat, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2016. Comparison of influence of nanomaterials on a glassy carbon paste electrode-based bioanode in biofuel cells. TURKISH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY
27-) Anık Ülkü, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Diounani Mohamed Fethi, 2016. Fabrication of Electrochemical Model Influenza A Virus Biosensor Based on the Measurements of Neuroaminidase Enzyme Activity. Analytical Chemistry
28-) Bal Altuntaş Derya, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2016. Graphene-metallic nanocomposites as modifiers in electrochemical glucose biosensor transducers. 2D Materials
29-) Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2016. Preparation, Characterization and Electrochemical Application of Graphene-metallic Nanocomposites. Electroanalysis
30-) Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Barlas Fırat Barış, Timur Suna, Anık Ülkü, 2016. Application of Centri-voltammetry to Cytosensors: Cyto-centrivoltammetry. Electrochimica Acta
31-) Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Aslan Sema, Sezer Esma, Anık Ülkü, 2015. Combination of a poly(3,4-ethylene-dioxythiophene) electrode in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate with centri-voltammetry. Analytical Methods
32-) Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Timur Suna, Anık Ülkü, 2015. An electrochemical cytosensor based on a PAMAM modified glassy carbon paste electrode. RSC Advances
33-) Ören Varol Tuğba, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2015. Bismuth Nanoparticles Incorporated Centri-voltammetry for Phenol Detection. Electroanalysis
34-) Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2015. Comparison of performances of bioanodes modified with graphene oxide and graphene-platinum hybrid nanoparticles. Electrochemistry Communications
35-) Sultan Sinan Cemgil, Sezer Esma, Tepeli Büyüksünetçi Yudum, Anık Ülkü, 2014. Centri-voltammetric dopamine detection. RSC Adv.
(E-1) SCIE veya SSCI tarafından taranan ve %10’luk dilimde yer alan dergide yapılan atıf
1-) Development and application of a SARS-CoV-2 colorimetric biosensor based on the peroxidase-mimic activity of ?-Fe2O3 nanoparticles - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 4
2-) An impedimetric approach for COVID-19 detection - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 6
3-) Electrochemical detection of influenza virus H9N2 based on both immunomagnetic extraction and gold catalysis using an immobilization-free screen printed carbon microelectrode - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 5
4-) Gold nanoparticle deposited electrochemical sensor for hyaluronic acid detection - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 4
5-) Electrochemical biosensors for influenza virus a detection: The potential of adaptation of these devices to POC systems - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 4
6-) Towards the electrochemical diagnostic of influenza virus: development of a graphene–Au hybrid nanocomposite modified influenza virus biosensor based on neuraminidase activity - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 6
7-) Electro-Nano Diagnostic Platform Based on Antibody–Antigen Interaction: An Electrochemical Immunosensor for Influenza A Virus Detection - Atıf Yılı: 2024 Atıf Sayısı: 4
8-) Development and application of a SARS-CoV-2 colorimetric biosensor based on the peroxidase-mimic activity of ?-Fe2O3 nanoparticles - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 9
9-) An impedimetric approach for COVID-19 detection - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 5
10-) A polyoxy group branched diazo dye as an alternative material for the fabrication of an electrochemical epinephrine sensor - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 2
11-) Centri-Voltammetric Folic Acid Detection - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 2
12-) Centri-Voltammetric GSH Detection with PDI-C4SH as a Carrier Materiall - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 4
13-) Oxidase mimicking Co/2Fe MOF included biosensor for sialic acid detection - Atıf Yılı: 2023 Atıf Sayısı: 4
14-) Development and application of a SARS-CoV-2 colorimetric biosensor based on the peroxidase-mimic activity of ?-Fe2O3 nanoparticles - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 8
15-) Electrochemical detection of influenza virus H9N2 based on both immunomagnetic extraction and gold catalysis using an immobilization-free screen printed carbon microelectrode - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 11
16-) An impedimetric approach for COVID-19 detection - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 4
17-) A polyoxy group branched diazo dye as an alternative material for the fabrication of an electrochemical epinephrine sensor - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 3
18-) Development of a Sandwich Immunosensor for concurrent detection of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and ?-fetoprotein (AFP) biomarkers - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 1
19-) Centri-Voltammetric Folic Acid Detection - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 1
20-) Centri-Voltammetric GSH Detection with PDI-C4SH as a Carrier Materiall - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 1
21-) Electrochemical sensor based on perylene diimide derivative modified electrode - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 2