(A-5) SCI veya SCI Expanded, SSCI, AHCI dışındaki uluslararası indexler tarafından taranan dergilerde yayımlanan tam makale
2-) Poyraz Erkan, Türkün Kaya Bilge, Kahraman Egemen, 2020. POLİTİKA FAİZİNDEKİ DEĞİŞİMLERİN BORSA İSTANBUL 100 ENDEKSİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİNİN OLAY ANALİZİ İLE İNCELENMESİ. International Review of Economics and Management
3-) Türkün Kaya Bilge, Poyraz Erkan, Kahraman Egemen, 2020. Politik riskin hisse senedi piyasaları üzerindeki etkisi: Bir literatür
taraması. Gazi Publishing
(C-3) Alanında tanınmış uluslararası yayınevlerince yayımlanan kitaplarda bölüm yazarlığı
1-) Uçma Uysal Tuğba, Aldemir Ceray, Kahraman Egemen, 2022. Interdisciplinary Researches in Economics and Administration Sciences Concepts, Researches and Applications/CHAPTER VI. PERSPECTIVES ON THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND COMBINED EVALUATIONS FOR DENMARK, GERMANY, ITALY, SPAIN, TURKEY AND THE UNITED KINGDOM. Yayın Evi: •Livre de Lyon Editör Adı: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Banu Tanrıöver , Inst. M. Selçuk Özkan
2-) Kahraman Egemen, Kale Mümin Volkan, 2022. İşletmecilikte Çağdaş Yaklaşımlar/Blok Zinciri Teknolojisinin Döngüsel Ekonomi Uygulamalarına Etkisi: Örnek Uygulamaların ReSOLVE Modeli Kapsamında Değerlendirilmesi. Yayın Evi: Gazi Kitabevi Editör Adı: BULGURCU GÜREL Esra Burcu, GÜREL Eymen
(C-4) Alanında tanınmış ulusal yayınevlerince yayımlanan kitaplarda bölüm yazarlığı
1-) Uçma Uysal Tuğba, Kahraman Egemen, 2022. Finansta Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşımlar : Kavram - Teori - Uygulama/Dijital Finans Teknolojileri ve İşletmelerde Uygulamaları. Yayın Evi: Seçkin Yayıncılık Editör Adı: Poyraz, Erkan
(E-4) TR Dizin kapsamındaki dergide yapılan atıf
1-) Politik riskin hisse senedi piyasaları üzerindeki etkisi: Bir literatür
taraması - Atıf Yılı: 2022 Atıf Sayısı: 1
(G-2) Uluslar arası kuruluşlarca desteklenen ve tamamlanan projede görev(araştırmacı, eğitmen, danışman, vb. olarak)
1-) Proje Durum: Tamamlandı. Projedeki Görev: Araştırmacı. Konu: In Italy, despite official attempts for the creation of regular paths starting from TVETs (in Italy ITS) and continuing with a third year and a bachelor’s degree, this connection is notsystematized yet. Only few TVETs assign ECTSs for their modules, making it difficult for Universities to recognize their exams and therefore forcing TVET graduates wishing tocontinue their studies to start their Bachelor’s degree from the beginning, discouraging them as it entails a huge quantity of additional time. Only specific agreements between TVETsand universities allow this recognition, which, anyway, is often incomplete, requiring some integrations. JAC, LLEIDA, IVIC are among the TVETs that have activated agreements withUniversities to recognize ECTS and enable students to complete their studies obtaining a Bachelor’s or a Master’s with an additional 1-3 years of study. This system has proved to bevery effective and needs to be adopted on a larger geographical scale to become ordinary practice in the medium term and – hopefully – officially systematized with dedicated policiesin the longer term.MAIN AIM:To establish a strategic and structured cooperation between European and non-European Universities and TVETs delivering technical higher education creating a network for thedevelopment of joint international courses and able to constitute – in the medium term –a European University.. Proje Türü: Avrupa Birliği. International Technical Higher Education Network (I-THEN). 2020-2022
2-) Proje Durum: Tamamlandı. Projedeki Görev: Araştırmacı. Konu: SUSTAINABLE EMPLOYMENT OF YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS. Proje Türü: Avrupa Birliği. Training For Sustainable Employment of Youth and Young Adults. 2020-2022
3-) Proje Durum: Tamamlandı. Projedeki Görev: Araştırmacı. Konu: Through the implementation of the project, the partners intended to develop the tools necessary for the development of stakeholders' competences in the field of intercultural management, focusing on key competences of Entrepreneurship; Civic, Personal, Social and Learning skills and Cultural Awareness and Expression. The aim of the project was: to enable adult educators through a CPD course; to develop intercultural competences with adult learners; to provide a methodological framework to boost the key competences and their intercultural skills; to minimize cultural disconnections which impact performance by helping target groups and beneficiaries in an international business environment; to foster target groups and beneficiaries for continuous intercultural development; to develop a multilingual learning platform providing open and instant access to the project output. The project used the ICT to facilitate the acquisition, assessment and accreditation of intercultural competence-related knowledge and skills within a CPD programme. To ensure success, it was important to determine the fundamental knowledge and skills making up intercultural competence and devise a pedagogicalsetting appropriate for the targeted beneficiaries.. Proje Türü: Avrupa Birliği. Intercultural Competence Development for International Business Environment. 2019-2022
4-) Proje Durum: Tamamlandı. Projedeki Görev: Araştırmacı. Konu: Developing Unique Mentoring Skillsand Techniques. Proje Türü: Avrupa Birliği. Heroes of SMEs: Developing Unique Mentoring Skillsand Techniques. 2019-2022
5-) Proje Durum: Tamamlandı. Projedeki Görev: Araştırmacı. Konu: Building Guidelines For Academic And Non-Academic Staff. Proje Türü: Avrupa Birliği. Academic Hospitality For International Students In Higher Education : Building Guidelines For Academic And Non-Academic Staff. 2019-2022